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Mac laughs to herself reading through the gossip magazine

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Mac laughs to herself reading through the gossip magazine. "Rupert Murdoch should cut me a cheque for the amount of magazines me and my family sell for him" she slides the magazine across the table top to Peep as the bus heads toward Edinburgh. "Also spelling error" she giggles to herself as Peep reads through.

"This is crazy. How do they know so quickly? This conversation happened yesterday" Peep laughs to himself.

"Well he's desperate for cash now ain't he" Mat shrugs her shoulders sipping on a bottle of water.

"Can we asked what happened?" The camera asks. Mac nods her head.

"Some explicit material came out of Mats verbal abuse towards me, towards Chloe. Some evidence came out of physical violence towards Chloe. That is not tolerated in our family at all. As our parents trusted me with financial power and basically in control of everything.  I sat down with family members spoke to them about the recent behaviours and it was a hard decision but we decided to cut him off for good. No more monthly allowance. No more cuts from dads music. I sat down with him yesterday to tell him. He was not happy with what happened but as our parents signed this like 2 years before they died it still stands in a court of law. They can't over turn it. Which he is even more pissed about. So his monthly allowance is going to go to a new charity and his cut of the music will go two another 2 charities. Every year we will let our fans vote on charities for the year. We don't want to the pocket the money. We want to give back to everyone who has let us have so much" she smiles at the camera. Peep kisses her, pulling her in for a hug. He feels silent sobbing into his chest knowing cutting her brother off was the hardest thing she's ever had to but it needed to be done for his own good. She pulls away looking up at him. He wipes away the tears and kisses her again. She smiles up at him.

"You did the right thing baby" she cuddles up to him not wanting to move from this spot.

"He gotta learn" the bus finally stops and they all head off stretching about it was a long drive and they are all shattered. This has been a long cold tour.  "Alright shit bags. It's fucking freezing but we are in Edinburgh. Great things always happen here. We've got two shows planned and gonna be here for 3 days. Make the most of it my babies. Y'all got two a room so please no threesomes, or orgies. That was a really awkward conversation with the hotel manager in Birmingham. Stop stressing me out dickheads.*they all laugh* ok we got this, we are gonna have a good time. So not one of y'all have been to a rugby game. Which I truly think is punishable by death but sadly capital punishment is illegal now *they all laugh again* so I've got a treat for you. We are all going to watch Scotland V All blacks tomorrow for Peep birthday. And it's our day off. So we can get very fucking drunk *everyone cheers* so tonight is our annual Halloween show. Y'all love this time of the year don't lie to me. *they all laugh* ok as usual best costume wins a bottle of tequila. right ok hands in Peepkin on 3" everyone puts their hands in

" 1....2....3 PEEPKIN" every chants and move off into the venue to set up for the show. Peep grabs her hand before she moves in.

"I'm so proud of you baby. I hope you don't mind but I had a little sneak preview of your new song. It's amazing. Truly babygirl amazing. I love you" he kisses her

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