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"Gus" Mac yells from the kitchen staring at her email inbox on her MacBook. He comes wondering into the kitchen to see what she is yelling about. She looks at him pointing to the top email "Have you not told Sarah you're not signing another contract?" He looks at her trying to act innocent but she already knows the answer as Sarah has sent through a new three year contract for Peep to sign. "Baby you need to tell her" she gently slaps his stomach with her spare handing quietly laughing "Peep I know you like making everyone happy and I know it's a difficult conversation but you gotta do it"

"Will you do it for me? Pretty please" he bats his eyelashes at her with that perfect grin on his face knowing for a fact it's her weakness.

"No you're a grown man baby. You gotta do it"

"Excuse me I'm not a grown man, I am your baby and I'll hear nothing else" He lifts his head up strutting out the room with a smirk on his face she stands there laughing to herself reading through her emails when one catches her attention. She calls him back into the room "GUS"

He pops his head round the bedroom door "I'm not a grown man" she laughs at him beckoning him over

"No not that baby. I've just been sent a fantastic offer for you/ us" she grins up from her laptop screen as he takes a seat at the breakfast bar. "Netflix emailed me" she grins at him.

"Ok? What did they say?" He looks at her confused

"They want to make a documentary about you and you rise to stardom" she does jazz hands trying to sell it him "they say they want the tell all story of Lil Peep/ Gus Åhr. With all details of how a boy from a small town in Long Island grew up to be one of the most sort after artists on the planet, how his music has touched a generation and in his own right has become a legend not just musically but as a role model to a generation of lost souls. We want to know every detail not just of this music but of his personal life, relationships, marriage, friends and family. We will be interviewing not just Gus but you, Mackenzie his wife, his mother and grandparents. Ex girlfriends, friends and other musicians. We hope to follow you on the most sort after tour of the last 5 years. The Come Over When Your Sober pt 2 states tour. Please let us know within 3 months if he would like to go ahead with the offer. We are excited for this venture and hope to speak to you and Peep further" she looks up at him seeing what his reaction, for once he is difficult to read, normally she can him perfectly but not this time. He takes his time to process the information.

"That's dangerous. What if things come out that we don't like? What if they spin it or edit it in a way we don't like? Or make something sound worse than it is?" Wow she hadn't thought of these things.

"Well that email was sent yesterday so we've got a couple months to think about it" she leans over the count top kissing him before starting to cook dinner. "What do you want?" He looks at her with a grin on his face "let me guess pasta with garlic tomato sauce and garlic bread?" He nods his head with a huge grin on it. This is favourite meal they eat at least once a week. Mac gets cooking on their dinner while Peep sets the table. Playing up dinner they sit down, Peep with a beer and Mac with a glass of wine. " Wow look how adult we are right now babe" he laughs as they eat.

"That was delicious baby" he kisses her, she licks her thumb and wipes away some sauce from his mouth as she laughs. "I have dessert for you" he winks at her taking away the plates from the table.

"Ooo you're cleaning up and I've got dessert, Did I forget our anniversary?" She jokes with him knowing for a fact that their anniversary is in a month. He puts down a plate with a slice of biscoff cheesecake. Mac's jaw drops it is her favourite dessert "Oh babyboy this is amazing" he leans down and kisses her before sitting down "what's the special occasion?" She asks him tucking into her cake.

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