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"Oh god. Where are we?" Wakes up really confused on the moving bus. Concept of time and space went out of the window 4 countries ago. Peep cuddles up closer to her still trying to sleep.

"Baby I think it's 4:30 in the morning go back to sleep. We are on the way to Croatia" Peep cuddles Mac back to sleep. But only to be rudely awoken again only a few hours later by Chase opening the door informing them they are here. "Noooo 5 more minutes" Peep groans into the back of her head. Chase pulls Mac out of bed as she needs to talk to the venue manager before set up.

"Chase don't even try" Mac resists but finally gives in. He literally drags her out of bed and down the tour bus letting her go in the front space. "Ok fine let me at lest let me put pants on" she sulks back to the room grabbing a pair of sweats and Jordan's. She changes her top. Drowning her body in deodorant to drench the smell of 4 day tour. Throws her hair up in a high pony and puts a pair of sunnies on before grabbing her phone. She kisses Peep before leaving the bus to speak to the venue manager. "Hi I'm Mac" she holds her hand out to shake. Chase hands her a can on redbull to wake her up. She mouths thank you to Chase before turning back for the manager as he explains everything to her. The bus is surrounded by fans it is 8:30 am how do they have the energy to be this crazy for her husband?! The walk through starts Mac is barely awake to even pay attention thank god she has got Chase with her. It's finally over and she can go get back into bed with Gus for an hour or two. They head back to the tour bus when she notices the door is slightly open. "Did we leave this open?" She turns to Chase, they normally quite good with keeping the door close.

"Urm I don't think. Maybe one of the guys did when they went out for a smoke?" He shrugs his shoulders and they walk into the bus. Chase heads back to his bunk as Mac walks down to their bedroom. Her phone buzzes in her back pocket. She pulls her phone out looking at the text from Chloe as she pushes the door open.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She stares at Peep passed out and a crazed fan laying next to him staring at him. "BABY WAKE UP THE FUCK UP NOW" Peep turns over thinking it's Mac next to him. He slowly opens his eyes getting the shock of his life.

"WHAT THE FUCK" He jumps out of bed and runs behind Mac. She covers his body with her.

"CHASE CALL SECURITY NOW" she hears Chase run off the bus and grab the bouncers. They move to the side as these two huge men come down the bus and pick this girl up, carrying her out of the bus. Mac's breathing finally calms down "wow that was a wake up call" her and Peep laugh.

"Breakfast date?" He laughs, pulling her in for a cuddle

"Yeah baby" She kisses him before he goes off to get changed. She grabs her bag and they leave. During breakfast their phones keep buzzing over and over. "Jesus Christ" she reads through news articles that are pinging her off the hook.

"What baby?" Gus asks with a mouth full of food

"This news article baby" she looks up at him "Lil Peep is caught in the sheets once more without his bae MacDaddy. Images have surface of a crazy night that the musician spent with a young fan. The fan yet to comment. Posted these images to her social media account in the last hour. The artist is currently on tour in Croatia with his wife. We wonder how long this will last" she looks up at him " Lil Peep up to his old tricks once again. The musician has been caught in bed with a young fan. Allegedly Peep was caught by his wife in bed with this fan before she had security forcibly remove the young girl from their tour bus which is currently in Croatia" she looks up at Peep. "fuck sake that bitch took photos. Baby we gotta do like live or something" Mac trying to figure out how to fix this situation.

"Baby I'm sorry" he holds her hand as they leave.

"Aww baby this isn't you fault. The door was left open and she got on. You were fast asleep" she leans up and kisses him. Before pulling her out and doing an insta live. "Hey guys. Just wanted to clear some shit up. Peep did not have a crazy night with a fan. Those pictures were taken this morning by some crazy bitch who snuck onto the tour bus when chase and I were in the venue. Gus was fast asleep didn't even know that girl was there until I woke him up. He hasn't cheated on me,  those of y'all praying for him to fuck up, praying for us to break sorry not gonna happen. Stronger than ever bitches" she holds up her middle finger before ending the live stream.

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