27. Netflix part 3

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"BABYYY WHERE IS OUR VOTE FOR PEEP TEE THE GREY ONE?" Mac shouts from the back room where she is going through their suitcases to find this one specific tee.

"DO YOU MEAN MY ONE?" He shouts from the couch where him and Bex are online gaming. She walks out into the shared space on the bus as the head back to London for last 2 home shows before heading out around Europe. She laughs as she walks towards him leaning down and kisses his cheek.

"It's ours baby since I left mine at home. But I see you're wearing it" he winks at her. "I'll pick another one for the interview" she walks back and picks up a vest that used to be tee. One of Gus's very first schema tees. She tidy's up the back room so it looks good for the interview as Netflix start setting up, Peep stands behind him pulling funny faces at her as they get her set up.

"Baby I must say your boobs look incredible today. Have they grown?!" Gus laughs as he throws her can of Coke.

"Ah who said romance is dead?! Thanks baby" she winks at him, looking down at her boobs " Urm I don't think so. Good bra? *she laughs* are you guys rolling ?did you get that?" The camera guy nods and laughs as Peep realises he is still got his mic on from his interview "I love you" she blows him a kiss before they start rolling.

"Tell us about First Access Entertainment and the choice to move to London" Ben Ask's her from behind the camera.

Mac looks awkwardly down at her can as fiddles with the top of it, reminding her of that first rolled dollar bill Gus ever gave. It's still in her purse now, kinda makes her crave coke but she has been so good so far. She awkwardly laughs "ah First Access. A chapter we would rather forget. Urm *she laughs looking up at the camera ready to talk* I first got contacted by my good friend Travis Mills, he was signed with them and he had just started listening to Peeps music. He took to his manager and practically forced Sarah to listen to his music. Now Sarah has never told me this but apparently when T played her Peeps stuff she said ' I need to meet this kid now and sign him' Travis called me and was like 'Sarah wants to meet in London. Do you think you can get him there?' I'm thinking myself no, no way in a million years will I ever get Gus to walk to into a management meeting. But I convinced him to go for the vacation, I think from the minute we step foot in London Gus fell in love with the place. I remember they put us up in this really fancy hotel with a balcony over looking the London skyline. It was beautiful *she gazes away remembering a good memory* I remember standing out on the balcony in one of Gus's tees it's freezing cold typical for London. But feeling that cold air on my skin was such a welcome feeling after living in LA for so wrong. Gus came up behind me putting his arms around my waist and we stood there in complete comfortable silence appreciating the view. In that moment we knew we were gonna move to London some how. Gus even said to me 'do we ever need to leave?"" she looks as Peep stands in the doorway speaking over the top of her. Remembering exactly what he said that day in London. She smiles at him, he moves between the camera men and leaves over to kiss her.

"I remember exactly what I said baby and I don't regret that move for a second. It was the best decision we ever made" he blows her a kiss from behind the camera. She catches in her, placing her hand over her heart. "God I love you"

"I love you too baby" she smiles up at him, taking a sip from her drink. "When we were in the meeting with FAE I really thought for a moment that they had convince Peep to sign, he was young they were offering a lot of money. I wouldn't of been surprised. But Peep was really mature about it he went away took time to think about it. We could of easily moved to London just on my connections alone but we didn't want to do it that way. We wanted to do the move as a couple, Peep wanted to be set up before he made the move. I was proud of him for being mature for thinking like that. It took a long think but I think the breaking point for him was the death of my parents" Her eyes well with tears. "My best friend Malika has died about 7 months prior to that and that broke me. About 4 days after New Years 2016. My parents were involved in a car accident which proved to be fatal" she wipes away the tears "we had to come back to London to sort out family stuff, just there was this feeling. This overwhelming feeling the pair of us got. Which was this is home. So after a lot of discussion and back nd forth about everything. Gus decided to sign with them, I never liked Sarah she would promise Gus the world and only deliver a slither of that. She piled money on him but when he pushed about the album being released on time she would frustrated about it and just not reply to his messages or calls. I had problems all the time with the tour managers she would send out, Tony (which was the production manager and peeps manager when chase was not around) and I would watch them all fuck up knowing I could do better. I think my breaking point was when the last tour we did under FAE the manager they sent out was literally supplying drugs to the boys. It became slightly comical, they would demand like the craziest orders and she would just get them. We didn't know how or where from but she would just get them. She was desperate for the boys to love her she actually forgot what her job was. I genuinely believe if I hadn't kicked her off the tour and taken control then there would of been more than just some bad reactions that had happened. Once that tour had been completed peep showed me texts between him and Sarah, we have literal evidence (which has already been submitted in the on going court case) showing Sarah telling Peep was drugs she has for and has smuggled into different countries. That was the breaking point with FAE, Gus asked me to be his manager and to organise his tours which I happily accepted, then we left FAE on good terms. But the second the contract was done we sued them" she smirks shrugging her 

"What for?"

"Legally I'm not allowed to say" she laughs into her can as she takes another sip. " I don't like FAE but we did it so we could have the opportunity to move to London, the move was the best thing ever for us" she looks up at Peep smiling down at her. She blows him a kiss, he catches it in his hand and rubs it against his lips. She just laughs at him.

"We know your don't want to talk about it but why did you forgive Peep for cheating?"

"Urmm *she awkwardly laughs* yeah I don't want to talk to about this. But Urm you know when you have a bad or an argument and all you wanna do is call your best friend? *the crew all nod around her she looks up at Peep* well he is that best friend, I can't imagine my life without him. He has made some mistakes when he was younger but he is my Gus and I guess our love and bond were strong enough to pull us through" she blows him another kiss. " I love him too much not to try. It's worked so far" she looks back at the camera and shrugs her shoulders.

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