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MacDaddy we went for a cute picnic in the park with a fucking speaker 🙃🙃

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MacDaddy we went for a cute picnic in the park with a fucking speaker 🙃🙃

Yeah Gus made us those people. Soz Hyde park!

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep you loved it don't lie to me!

"Baby guess what?" Gus shouts from the office in their house.

"What?!" She reply's walking towards the office, popping her head round the door.

"Mama is sending out a box of things that I left at the house before moving out here" he smiles up at her as she walks over and sits on his lap kissing him.

"Ooo that sounds good baby" she kisses him again rubbing away the lipstick left. "We should go out and see her soon baby" she nuzzles into his neck scrolling through the emails. She feels him nodding. "Why don't we go before the VMAs and bring her with us and Oskar" she pulls away looking at him hoping for a reaction to her brilliant idea.

"That a fantastic idea my love" he kisses her "Call Mama and set it up" she gets up off the chair and Peep slaps her ass

"Ooo baby. Don't turn me on" she winks at him as he grabs her butt jiggling it around before kissing it. She grabs her phone off the side and sighs "he doesn't get the fucking picture"

12 x missed calls Pickles🥒

"Baby block him. We don't need that" she grabs his face pulling him for a kiss.

LilPeep I forgot Mac had lipstick on before attacking her with love 💓

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LilPeep I forgot Mac had lipstick on before attacking her with love 💓

Tagged MacDaddy

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