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"Wow. Baby this place is amazing" Gus looks down at Mac as they walk around the house that Chloe had previously viewed for them. He pulls her in closer whispering her ear "I love this place"

"Me too" she whispers back. They walk around in awe of the place, she knows is this their new place, this will be the place they raise their first baby at lest. She is sure of it. "Are we gonna buy it baby?" She looks up at him with those big blue eyes. They both know they are going to buy this house.

"We will be in it by the time are back from Europe" he kisses the top of her head. She giggles as they walk round the house. This place is amazing. They never thought when they were living in Skid Row that they would be buying a house in Camden Town.  Mac looks up at husband is full of nothing but love and admiration for the man. They could of quite easily ridden through life on her fathers success and money but no they worked hard together, they worked separately. All their hard work has finally paid off. They have the house of their dreams. The tour stops and the realtor goes through the specifics with them before they make their decision.

"We loves this house through FaceTime. We love it even more now. Will have an all cash offer. Please contact our lawyer to discuss offers as we are gonna be out of the country for a few weeks on tour" she hands the man the business card of her lawyer who is already anticipating the call. "Tia has all the information on our offer. Contact her to get everything sorted. Thank you so much. This is our home" she looks up at Peep and kisses him before they leave. "Baby we just bought a house" they high five as they walk down the straight to grab lunch.

MacDaddy guess who went to a rave 💃🏼🕺🏼💃🏼🕺🏼

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MacDaddy guess who went to a rave 💃🏼🕺🏼💃🏼🕺🏼

Tagged LilPeep


They are in London for another 24 hours before flying out to Russia to start the next half of the tour. They spend this time partying the night away at a all day rave, for the first in a few months Mac does Mandy and drinks more than before. She convinced herself that she can control it again. That she'll never go back to that point again in her life. This is one of the rare breaks they've had from filming, they didn't realise how much being on camera constantly takes it out of you. Every day damn Mac is praying for Netflix to wrap and finish. She is sick to death of being filmed all the time. They just want the privacy back, they want their time back. 

She rests her head on Gus's shoulder as the plane takes off for Russian. "Oh my god, my head is on fire.  make it stopped" she groans

"Stop. Taking makes it worse" they both just sit there with eye masks on trying to get sleep but it's not working at all. "Ok shots" they order two mini bottles of tequila from the air hostess. And down them. "Oh god that makes it worse" she looks up at him pouting he kisses her, kisses again and again and again. Even after all these years he can't keep his hands off her.

"I blame you for feeling like this" she quietly laughs into his shoulder. "I love you but this is your fault baby" she pretends to cry.

"I love you too and this is 100% your fault but I'm excited to be back in Russia so it's all worth it" he smiles at her, that smiles makes everything better in her world, everything.

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