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Peep sits down on the bed next to her "I'm so sorry I wasn't here, the flights got all screwed up. Mom said you did amazing. I'm so proud" He kisses her forehead "He is perfect" He holds up their son, smiling at him. 

"He's got your eyes baby and I'm sure your smile" She grins up at her two favourite boys. 


Mac tries to get on the bus but the police stop her, trying to looking around them to see Gus but she can't see anyone else coming out. She can see a body lying on the floor. Her heart breaks, her stomach drops, tears stream down her face thinking something has happened to Gus. She sees someone walking towards her holding Gus's chain. Oh God , her heart breaks into a thousand pieces. She moves over to Bexey, he has tears in his eyes, she shakes his shoulders. 

"Bex where is Gus?!" He just stares at her, no answer leaning against the bus she burst into tears. "Oh my god" She cries. "Oh my god what the fuck" Everyone around her are in state of shock it's got to be Gus on the floor. 

"Hey babygirl why is everyone crying?" Peep comes walking down the road licking an ice cream. "Want a lick?" He points the ice cream at her face

She looks up in shock, jumping on him crying into his shoulder "Oh god baby I thought something had happened to you. You big idiot" She gets down wiping away her tears "Wait if you're here. Who is on the bus?" They turn around as paramedics carry off a body bag. She grabs his hand tight, he does the same back. Chase comes walking over to them. "Chase what happened?" They look at him. 

"Mackend died, I think he had an OD" Chase walks off to talk to the police

"Oh my god, baby are you ok?" She looks up at Peep who is staring at bus door. 

"No" he doesn't break eye contact with the door. She pulls him in for a hug. It's her turn to be there for him now. That nights show is dedicated to Mackend, the whole of GBC is in mourning for the loss of their friend. As selfish as it sounds Mac is hoping that this doesn't hinder their move to London. She thought that night would be full of drinks and drugs but they all sit around with a couple drinks and everyone heads to bed early. Peep has barely spoken to anyone since the show, they lay in bed next to each staring at the ceiling passing a zoot back and forth. He cuddles up to her like a baby, she strokes his hair. "I love you Mac and I don't know what I would ever do if something happened to you" She kisses his head.

"I love you too Gus, nothing is going to happen to me baby. We are gonna grow old and smelly together" She tries to make him laugh, it works. 

"Promise baby?" He looks up at her. 

"I promise baby. I just want you to be careful" He kisses her. They cuddle in bed just talking about all the good memories with Mackend. The final day of tour is just not same but they party on anyway celebrating his life, Mac takes on Chloe's advice, she enjoys herself but keeps an eye on Peep. She doesn't want to him taking the same path as Mackened. The final day of tour comes and goes, the time for the conversation with GBC is coming closer after what happened they are even more nervous. Getting back to the house Shay and Karla have been here packing up all their stuff. Some of it has already been shipped to the UK. Mac sits on the bed in their nearly empty house. They look around the house which holds so many happy memories some not so happy but mainly happy. Peep wrote 3 albums in this house, started a 4th. This house was the escape from horrific death of her best friend. This was their first house as a married couple, they had so many memories in this house it hurts to leave but they were about to head off to their next chapter, a happier chapter, a better chapter. "Baby we gotta tell them. We leave tonight" He nods at her. Sitting down next to her holding her hand.

"I know. Can we just call them from the plane?" Mac rolls her eyes

"Babe we leave for the airport in 2 hours we have to tell them, everything else is sorted. We need to tell them" He just nods at her "Now baby" They hear the front door open "Shit" Going running out into the living room. The boys stare at the empty space which used to hold all their memories. "Guys we have something to tell to you" They all sit on the sofa.  She looks up at Peep but he is too nervous to talk "We need you to know that we love you and this time has been amazing"

Before Mac can say anything out Peep bursts into the conversation "I'm leaving GBC and moving to London" Mac looks up at him like that could of been done better. 

"Peep what the fuck?!" Goth stands up. 

"Goth we knew this was coming. Peep we support you" Dylan hugs Peep. 

"Yeah we all support you bro" The boys all group hug. Wow that went better than she thought it would. 

"Guys, Chase just sent me the autopsy findings from Mackend" Mac exclaims, breaking up this moment "He took laced xanax. He had double the lethal dosage of fentanyl in his system. Mackend never took xanax? why did he?" She was really confused he was open about not taking xanax. 

"He said some girl was selling him xanax to give to Peep. He must of tried it"  

"Hold on. He was about to give my husband fucking laced xanax?! What the fuck?!"  

"Bro this is fucking crazy that could of been me" Mac moves by his side, he puts his arm around her holding her tight not wanting let go of her. Shit that could of been him, She could of really lost him. "If I hadn't got ice cream that could of been me"

"Baby Ice cream saved your life, urm guys we gotta leave for the airport soon. So hand back all your keys. I know you got them" 

"YOU LEAVE TONIGHT?!" She nods handing out her hand, the boys put their keys in it. Mac moves into the kitchen putting the keys in an envelope and pulls out a bottle of whisky off the side with some glasses. She pours one for everyone. 

"GOTHBOICLIQUE" The all cheers, Mac swings out of the bottle. Peep leans down and kisses her, a new chapter with her husband. 

Ghost Boy // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now