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"Wake up beautiful" Peep nudges his sleeping wife with a glass of orange juice and a cream cheese bagel. "How's your head?" He laughs to himself as she groans taking the juice in one hand and the bagel in another. 

"Painful. Who knew tequila is not your friend at 24?" She takes a bite of the bagel and look of happiness covers her face "Have you spoken to Chloe? is she awake?" 

"Yeah, I took her the same breakfast, She is a painful position as well. She's breathing so I know she is alive" The pair laugh. 

"Don't make me laugh, it hurts my head" He laughs even more at her. "How was last night? How is the traitor?"

"He is in a weird phase, he knows what he has done is wrong and he has hurt Chloe after everything she has done for him but he is also happy with this new girl. And I mean girl she can't be more than 19"

"Jesus christ the man is nearly 30. Is he having a midlife crisis?" She takes a big bite out of the bagel. "I'll go see him later if I can sneak past Chloe for a minute" She takes another bite of her bagel enjoyment spreading across her body she starts doing her happy food dance in bed. "By the way I owe you like a bag and half sorry baby" She grins up at him. How can he be mad at that face? He leans down and kisses her.

"We have that meeting with Sarah in like an hour baby. You need to shower" He kisses her again "I can smell the tequila coming out of your pores" She laughs finishing off the bagel,  she slowly gets out of bed. Before she can even stand up straight she falls back on the bed on her back. 

"Baby I think I'm still drunk just drag me to shower and turn it on. I'll be fine" Peep laughs at her as she attempts again to get out of bed this time it is successful. She slowly strips down walking off the shower with absolutely no energy. Eventually she gets going and gets ready for the meeting with Sarah. She stands at the doorway with a smoke in one hand, sunglasses already on and backpack on her back. 

"Is that you telling me you're ready?" Peep asks from his position on the bed where has has been scrolling through instagram while she has been getting ready. She grins at him nodding her head. "Come on then" He takes her hand in his and they leave the bedroom. He has cleaned up their mess and opened up the curtains to let all the natural light flood the apartment, it is a crisp, cold, sunny December day. Chloe is sitting on the balcony with a cup of coffee just watching the sky. 

"Hey b, We are heading out to a meeting with FAE, you gonna be ok?" Mac peeps her head around the balcony door, Chloe looking like the same state Mac is in. 

"Yeah I'll be fine hun" She smiles up at her. 

"I've left the spare key and the code of the access pad for the main door on the counter if you wanted to go out at all. We should be back this afternoon. Love you bye" She blows kisses at her as Gus pulls her out of the apartment as they are already late. They walk down the street enjoying the crisp cool air, laughing and smiling as they go. They are about to close a chapter on their lives that he regrets ever taking but it got him to be in a position where he doesn't need them anymore and for that he is grateful. They sit in the meeting with Sarah and the First Access Entertainment team going back and forth for what feels like hours, they try to offer them more money, more freedom in the contract. At one point Mac really thought they had swayed him to stay for another three years but true to his word Peep resisted the offer and insisted he wanted Mac to represent him. Sarah offered to bring Mac on to the team so she could represent him via them but he was not having any of it. They eventually leave the meeting with the end decision that Peeps contract will come to a close on the 12/31/2018. As they leave she looks up at him not knowing what to expect when she does but she is happily surprised when she sees his reaction is joyful, he looks more relaxed, like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "You ok baby?" she asks him as they both light up as they walk out of the office for the last time. He takes her hand in his raising it up to his lips and kissing it. 

Ghost Boy // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now