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MacDaddy Happy 3rd wedding anniversary

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MacDaddy Happy 3rd wedding anniversary. I love you so much handsome ❤️

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I love you so much babygirl!

LilPeep happy 3rd wedding anniversary! Cannot believe you've put up with me for 5 years now😱 I'm so grateful you do! Can't wait for us to start a family 😍 I love you so much ❤️

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LilPeep happy 3rd wedding anniversary! Cannot believe you've put up with me for 5 years now😱 I'm so grateful you do! Can't wait for us to start a family 😍 I love you so much ❤️

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy I love you to baby! I cannot wait to have little peeps running around ❤️

"Can you believe we've been married 3 years?! Together 5?!" Mac asks Peep over their anniversary dinner, he holds her hands over the table a she sips on her pornstar martini.

"I can't believe you haven't killed yet" he winks at her as he sips his beer. "We've grown so much in 5 years. I love you so much"

"I know I'm proud that I haven't" she winks back at him. "We have baby" she starts tucking into her dinner as the waiter puts down Peeps plate.

"When are we gonna little peepers?" They've always spoken of children but never in a serious manner, never given it a time frame.

"Maybe we should get a dog first" she winks at him "see if we can look after the dog first before having a baby " she laughs as she sips her drink.

"Good plan" they both laugh as they eat and reminisce on their past 5 years together. "You ready to go baby?" Mac is in a world of her own as she fiddles with her purse. Peep snaps his fingers in her face. Breaking her daze

"Yeah sorry baby, I am" she looks up at him with a grin.

"You ok? Thinking about loads of Peepers?" He jokes with her as they walk out with his arm around.

"Yeah I am actually " he looks at her shocked that she has also been thinking of it.

"Well maybe we should get practicing" he smirks at her picking her up throwing her over his shoulder and he runs down the hallways in their apartment building. He fumbles with the door as he tries to open it one handed. Chloe is still out as the whole apartment is blacked out. Peep heads straight for their bedroom kicking the door open. Throwing her on to the bed, she giggles at him biting her lip watching him strip down, without any warning he grabs her ankles pulling her to the end of their huge bed. He gets on his knees, pulling her lace panties down and off. He pushes her silk dress up, he bites his lip at his beautiful wife before parting her legs with his head, a gasp of pleasure escapes her lips as his cold tongue touches her warm body.  He circles her clit with his tongue driving her crazy.

"That's not practicing" she teases him, he looks up at her smirking. She bites her lip at him, he can't resist her any further. He pulls her dress off and flips her over on all 4s, she leans over to the bedside table grabbing a vial of Coke. She gets a bump on her pinky finger and then another before passing it back to Peep. "I hear this helps" they both laugh as he pours out of a line on her big juicy butt, sniffing it off and slipping himself in. She lays flat on her front, back arched butt in the air.

"The devils pose" he smirks at her, he starts off slow but quickly builds up speed and force. Moans escape bother their lips. Filling the empty apartment with pleasure noises. He flips her over to her back and watches as her boob bounces around. He feels her cumming around him, he follows shortly after. Falling down on his back next to her. Both of them panting, their sweaty bodies sticking to the bed sheets. "Happy anniversary babygirl. I love you"

"Happy anniversary babyboy.  I love you too" they high five, too sweaty to cuddle or kiss. "I need to shower but I have no energy" she giggles. Slowly bringing herself off the bed, walking over to their bathroom. Peep hears the water falling from the shower,grabbing his phone from Mac's bag he sees it low on battery. He leans over to her side of the bed trying to find her charger. He opens the drawer to find a pregnancy test box. He grabs the box's and goes running into the bathroom.

"ARE YOU PREGNANT?! ARE WE HAVING BABY?!" He shouts with excitement at her. Giving her the fright of life.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" she jumps out of skin at the sudden break in silence. She peers over the side of the glass "I don't know haven't done it yet" she bites her lip "wasn't sure if we should do it together or not"

"Do it now baby" he grins at her. She finishes up her shower  and grabs a towel quickly drying herself off. She pees on both the sticks and walks out with both sticks placing them on the table outside where Peep is sitting with a splif. He sets a timer on his phone for 2 minutes and they wait. He holds her hand tight as they watch the timer go down, feels like time is moving slower than ever. The time goes off, looking at each other they take a deep breathe and look at the pregnancy sticks on the table. She lets out a sigh as they are negative. "It's only the first try baby" he kisses her cheek. She turns to look at him in her chair, resting her feet on his lap he rest his head on her knees "just means we gotta do loads of practicing" he winks at her. Handing her the zoot.

"Oooo I like the sound of that" she winks back at him. "You wanna go practice right now?"

Peep looks down his phone "hmmm I guess I could" he smirks at her quickly getting up off his chair and picking her up throwing her over shoulder and running into the house. The pair giggle as they could like a pair of teenagers fresh in love. Their bond stronger than ever.

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