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The after math of Jades baby has blown back on Mat badly. His fans have all turned on him for saying he's been in a relationship with Her for 3 years when they all know he was with Chloe for 9 years. It kind fills her with smugness knowing that his life is going to shit after how he treated Chloe and his family. Her favourite time Is here, it's tour time. As they leave Mac looks around the apartment realising that it is getting snug in here. They've got loads of recording equipment set up in the spare room and Mac has a mini office set up in the corner. Maybe it's time to get a bigger place. Maybe time for a new place? A new city even? With the separation from Mat, their family mainly resides in the states now, she doesn't want to move back to LA maybe they will move to New York or back to Long Island to be closer to his Mom. They are barely even in their place with touring all the time and recording in the studio. Her train of thought is broken by Gus squishing her face from across the table.

"Yes baby?" She looks up from laptop screen. Gus is bored, it's long drive to the first venue of the tour in Cardiff.

"I'm bored baby. Can we do something?" He bites his lip at her.

"Baby we are on a moving bus. There are very little things we can do" she knows exactly what he wants. Peep pretends to think before winking at her. "Actually there's something I want to talk to you about" she moves her laptop to one side, she had been looking at houses in NYC and London.

"Go on baby" takes half her sandwich.

"I think our apartment is little small. Maybe we should look at getting a bigger place" she looks at him taking a chip out of the bag and puts into her mouth.

"Yeah I know. We deffo need more space. You thinking still in London?" He takes a bite of the sandwich.

"I dunno" she shrugs her shoulders "most our family are in the states but then our friends are in London. What do you think baby?"

"I dunno it's tough. I would love to be closer to Mama but then I'm loving living in London. You found any houses in London?" She looks at him innocently "come on. I know you've been looking at houses" she nods her head with a grin and shows him the London houses within their budget.

"This one already has a studio baby" she shows him her favourite house. "Look how lovely it is and still in Camden. But it has a garden and 3 bedrooms for friends and family. Maybe a baby *she looks up at and back to the screen. He smiles knowing she is thinking of this* Look how nice the garden is and the office" she flicks through the photos. She looks up at him with those big blues eyes that he gets lost in.

"It's amazing baby and we can afford this?" He takes another bite of the sandwich. She nods her head "you think it would be available when we get back?"

"Well" she laughs "Chloe has agreed to look at it for us while we are on FaceTime. But it's been up a while so maybe" she shrugs her shoulders laughing.

"I knew you had planned this out already. This why I love you" he leans over and kisses her. "Get Chloe to look at the house. I trust her judgement" he kisses her closing the laptop screen. He moves around the table, he picks her up she wraps her legs around his waist. He carries her off to the back room, throwing her down on the air mattress. She bites her lip as he closes the door behind him and locks it. He pulls down her jeans and panties then strips down in front of her before she pulls him on top of her. He kisses down her neck as she wraps her legs around his waist pulling him closing to her she can't wait any longer. She slips his dick in her herself. He loves it when takes control, he rests one hand on the couch behind them the other around her neck. She smirks under the grip driving him crazy. He loves this, she licks her lips under his grip. He goes fast and hard giving that anyone could try to walk at any point. He falls down next to her panting. "God I love you" he kisses the side of her face.

She turns to look at him " I love you too baby" she kisses him, pulling the blanket around her waist. Peep hands her the weed tray. "Oh am I rolling?"

"You roll them with such love" he kisses her check again. She laughs putting on a pair shorts before sitting up in bed and rolling them a zoot. they sit in bed smoking watching tv while the bus moves on. This journey feels like it's taken all day.

"Baby did I tell you who messaged me on Insta?" She gently smacks his arm. He looks up at breaking his gaze with terrible tv shaking his head. "You know the DJ Steve Aoki?" He nods "he heard us perform Shallow and wants me to do a song with him. I started writing one do you want to hear?" She asks with such excitement on her face.

"Baby that's amazing. I'm so proud of you. Told you your voice is special. Of course I do"

Mac opens her notebook up and starts singing in front of Peep. Ever since they started performing together she has become more confident singing in front of him.

"Feels like you're a world away
As we're lying in this bed together
How you gonna say nothin'
Baby you can't stay this numb forever

I love it when you cry
It shows that you're alive
I love it when you cry
The tears bring out your eyes"

"That's all I got so far. But he is going to add beats to it as well and we will mix it together. Do you like it?" She looks at him with such hope in her eyes.

"Baby I love it. Who is it about?" He pulls out a packet of smokes from his jeans pocket. Handing her one.

"You silly. After all we've been through together" she smiles at him. She takes a long drag of her smoke before letting the smoke pour out of her mouth. She kisses him "I love you and I love it when you cry" she get up out of bed as the bus has finally stopped moving. She holds her hand out for him "baby I want to record a proper version of shallow and release it on the next album" she smiles at him. The words are like magic to his ears.

"I would love to record that with you baby. If you promise to play piano on it" he takes her hand and gets up off the bed.

"You got a deal babyboy" she stretches up and kisses him "you got a deal baby"

Ghost Boy // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now