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The calls stops, she assumes he is on the plane back home. She tries not to think about it, they finally finish the album and she heads home. As she reaches the front door she half expects to walk in and see him sitting there, he's not but Chloe is and with dinner for her.

"Hey sorry I let myself in" she stands up from the table. Mac puts her bag and laptop down on the counter, walks over to the table sitting down, Chloe follows her lead.

"It's cool don't worry. You're the least scary person who's let themselves into our house" Laughing as she takes a bite out of the Cuban food. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah. Urm Mat told me what happened and didn't want you coming back to an empty place" she smiles at her. "Hope that's ok, that I'm here and he told me"

"Chloe of course it is. You're my sister! How do I move on? I did once before, never thought I would have to do it again"

"It's tough. I've had to do over my fair share of forgiving Mat. Not always for cheating. But I think cheating is the worst because trust is broken, feelings are hurt, your spirit is broken and your soul is ripped out of you. The one person who is supposed to be able to fix all of that is the one who has done the damage. I don't think Gus is a bad person, I think he a young man in an industry that promotes cheating, sex, drugs and drinking, he's confused and did a bad thing once or twice. He loves you so much and I know for a fact he's broken knowing how he's hurt you again. You know need to make the decision whether you can move on not just in your relationship but emotionally as well" Mac takes a sip of wine taking in everything that she just said.

"How do I get past the feeling that every time I leave him alone for more than 24 hours something else is going to happen? I feel like I'm always going to be paranoid that something else is going to happen"

"Yeah that is the tough part. That takes time a lot of time. It's difficult time when you two spend a lot of time together, maybe do things with other people. Like a puppy. Get used to not being together 24/7" the girls laugh.

Mac looks at the wine swirling round in her glass before knocking it back and pouring another " he definitely like a puppy" she laughs resting her hands on the table "oh god Chloe what I'm going to do?" She cries into her hands. "He is my best friend. My love. Am I an idiot if I given him another chance?"

"No not at all lovely. It's just a shame it was so public, there may be some backlash on socials but at the end of the day it's your relationship hun-" she is cut off mid sentence.

Pickles🥒 is calling
Accept | Decline

"He's there isn't he?" She asks him.

"Yeah he is. What do you want me to do?"

"He can stay with you tonight. Chloe and I are drinking tonight" she clinks her glass with Chloe and hangs up the phone. "Right come on. We are going out Chloe!" Mac jumps up from the table, grabbing Chloe by the hand dragging her off to her closet. They carry on drinking as they sort through her clothes picking out outfits to wear tonight. While Chloe gets changed Mac runs over to Peeps underwear drawer where he still keeps his supply. "He might get another chance but I am having his druggos tonight" she giggles as she racks up lines for two girls.

Chloe opens a bottle of champagne for two dropping molly in both of them. The girls head out out for the night bar hoping around Camden. Before heading into rock club. They dance the night away getting smashed off their faces, Mac has lost track of what is even in their systems now. She heads to the bar when she sees Ryan and Bexey hanging out with some girls.

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