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MacDaddy Peep wanted to know what I saw when I blow him

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MacDaddy Peep wanted to know what I saw when I blow him. So I took photo now he's moody with me😂😂I love you 👀😂💜

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep 100% thought I looked sexier than that when you get on your knees 😭😭

MacDaddy baby I think your sexy all the time 💜

"GUS ARE YOU READY TO LEAVE?!" Mac yells from the front door as she can hear her husband pissing about the in living room doing god knows what to put off going to Netflix HQ. He comes out the room sulking.

"I don't want to go. I want play online with Bex" he pouts hoping she will give in to his demands.

"Baby seriously? Are you 5 years old?! Gus you said the only way you would do this Netflix thing would be if we had final say on the editing. Now let's go it's our last session before the film is complete" she hurries her 5 year old husband out of the house.

Their Uber is waiting for him, she feels like she is dealing with a child today all because he wants to online game. He needs to learn he has other responsibilities now as well and he made a commitment to Netflix to do this editing. As they pull up to the Netflix HQ there is a group of fans waiting for Peep. Mac grabs his hand and pulls him through the crowd, a fan slips a pill bottle into Gus's hand, he quickly puts into his back pocket before Mac has a chance to notice anything has happened. She has been very careful about where they get their drugs from since the information about Mackned came out. She has explicitly told him no accepting drugs from fans of strangers on the street. They had been doing really well up until this point. Neither of them had gone too hard to point of concern since Seattle.  As the walk into the building Gus puts his arm around Mac and kisses the top of her head. She looks up at with the big blue eyes which are filled with love for him and only him.

"I love you Mackenzie" he leans down and kisses her. "I'll never stop loving you" she smiles up at him knowing he means ever single word that leaves those beautiful lips.

"I love you to Gustav. In this life and the next 100" he leans down and kisses her again as they walk off to the editing room.

Gus takes control, he watches the footage picking out what he likes and giving his honest opinion on it all. Mac sits back watching him do this and is filled with nothing but admiration, inspiration, pride and love for the man. She is so proud of everything that he's become and overcome. Never in a million years did she think they would make it to 6 years together. At the point in their lives when they met with Gus's naivety and young age, also with their lifestyle choices. She definitely thought they would of broken within months or wound up dead. But they worked together and she is so proud of what they have achieved, she is so proud of what they are going to achieve in the future.  The day is long but they are finally finished and ready to go home to their new house.

As they leave Gus puts his arm around and whispers in her ear "thank you for making me come do this baby" he kisses the top of her head as they walk out. "Do you want Chinese food and movie night?" She smirks at from inside the Uber. She pulls him in closer to her. Whispering in his ear.

"Only if movie nights means I get to rip those clothes at some point and have my way with you" she smirks, biting his earlobe, rubbing the inside of his thigh knowing for a fact this will turn him on.

"I'll see what I can do" he pulls her in a for a kiss.

The Uber pulls up at the house. Gus gets out, Mac follows behind him he gives her his hand to help out the car. Then throws her over his shoulder and runs up to the house. Up the stairs they go to their bedroom. He throws on the bed. She smirks at him giggle away as he quickly strips down himself. The bottle of Xanax rolls under the bed. Then he pulls down her jeans and pulls them off throwing to the other side of the room. He kisses all around the top of panties before gently kissing over the top of them. Grabbing them with his teeth he pulls them down, he gently parts her legs. His tongue is cold against her warm body. Sending shivers down her spine. The second his tongue touches her body a small moan escapes her lips. He starts out slow but picks up the pace as she gets closer and closer he feels her legs tighten around his head, her hands entangled in his hair pulling on it. This only drives him on, he gets quicker and quicker he feel her hips start to move as her body gets closer and closer. She cums all over his face, he looks up smiling licking his lips at the sweet taste of his wife. She pulls him to her face, pulling him in for a deep passionate kiss wrapping her legs around his waist. He guide his dick into her, another moan escapes her lips, he starts off slow again but picks up speed. He wraps one hand around her neck, she smirks at him under the grip. He pounds her into the bed. Both of them moaning, he feels her tightening around him as she cums for the 2nd time and then the 3rd. He can't hold on any longer, he lets go and finishes inside her. He falls to the side of his wife both of them panting and sweaty. They high five which has become their thing now after sex.

"Oh wow. You just keep getting better baby" she kisses his cheek. "I'm going to go for a shower" she gets up off the bed winking at him before walking off to their bathroom. He bites his lip at his hot wife thinking how did he ever get this lucky. He jumps off the bed about to run off to the shower before remember the pills. He picks up his jeans but they aren't there anymore. Getting on the floor he sees them under the bed. He goes to grab, quickly hiding them in his sock drawer before heading off to join his wife in the shower. She'll never know they are in there. Will she?

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