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"Good morning babygirl" Gus kisses Mac's forehead as she sleeps. "I brought you red and white roses today. Your favourite. You should smell they smell amazing" he arranges the flowers at the end of the bed, he leans on the table looking at his wife sleeping. "I love you so much, I miss you baby. Please wake up soon"

It's been nearly two weeks since that day. Peep has no shaved, all he does is shower and sit by her bed. He doesn't want her waking up without him there. He knows if it was the other way round she would be by his side every moment until he woke up. She looks so peaceful, the doctors think she will wake up this week. He is hopeful on this, he needs his best friend back. His Mom had to leave for work but Shay came over for a few days but couldn't stay long because of the baby. How times have changed. It used to be whenever someone was in the hospital or having a down day there was always at lest 6 of them to rally around you to make you feel better, everyone has there lives now. Thinking about the move to England, thinking about how much they needed to leave that toxic environment but now he thinks that it just followed them here. He misses having everyone around them, he misses their parasites but then they got their own ones here. He misses Mat as well, he always hoped that the pair would make up but there is no end in sight. Mac never talks about the conversation they had but the foul mood she was in when she got back from his only eludes to the fact it was not fucking good. The nurse comes in and breaks his thought pattern.

"Morning Gus" Tyler smiles at him "you've got a visitor. Do you want me to bring him in? It's a Mat Nichols. He says he's Mackenzie's brother but he is not on the list" Peep smiles back at Tyler.

"Oh my god. Yes please. It is her brother" Tyler leaves the room, a few minutes later walks in. Gus goes running up to him pulling him in for a cuddle. "God I've missed you Mat" he feels Mat break down crying into his shoulder seeing his sister like this. No sight of the child or their child.

"I'm so sorry Gus. I'm so sorry for everything" he keeps crying into his shoulder. Eventually the tears stop and they sit either side of her.

"Did you come alone or did???" Peep trails off mainly because he doesn't actually know the name of his girlfriend, they always call her the child.

"Urm Jade is at the hotel. Is she gonna wake up?"

"Mat I don't think you should be here with her. Mac will freak when she finds out and yes she will. You threw your family away for that barely legal pussy. I don't know what was said between you two but your girlfriend threatened my wife a few months ago and I know Mac is only ready to talk when you two break up" Mat looks at Peep disgusted at what is being said      Without arguing he grabs his things but leaving a letter for Mac to read when she wakes up. He leaves the room. Peep feels shitty for doing that but he knows that would be his wife's decision. He sits reading a book his Mom sent him when he hears the machine beeping more than normal. He sees Mac struggling under the breathing tube. He hits the button behind her bed to signal the nurses. They all come rushing in, gently they pull the tube out of her mouth. He hears her coughing, that's a good sign. Right? Then hears something he never thought he would hear again in his life. He had comes to terms that he would never hear this again.

"Gus........ gussss" her voice is croaky. But it is her voice. The nurse all move away leaving her side free. Tears stream down his face as he moves closer, she is still a little sleepy but she is slowly waking up. "Baby" she lifts her hand up, he grabs it and kisses it. "I love you. I want 109 babies with you" he laughs under the tears. He pushes the hair out of her face.

"I'm here babygirl. I'm here" he kisses her. "I love you too. Let's start with one and move on from there" he kisses her again. She slowly starts to wake up properly.

"That's what I was coming to tell you baby. I was coming to apologise for what I said. I can't move on from what happened but we can move past it and start our family. Just every now and then remembering the first baby" she looks up at him attempting to smile.

"That's a deal babygirl" he kisses her. She sits up in her bed, pulling him in for a cuddle. He sits on the side of the bed cuddling her. He breaks down as soon as he takes in her scent, feeling her heart beating and her lungs breathing. She strokes his hair , letting him cry it out "I really thought I had lost you baby. You were cold, you had been scaring me for weeks" he continues to cry at thought of losing his love.

"I'm so sorry baby. I was trying to cope but I lost myself in that coping mechanism. I'm really sorry baby" he looks at her, eyes filled with tears "I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. I love you" she pulls him in for a cuddle.

He climbs into the bed with her and they have their first proper cuddle in weeks. She presses play on his laptop and the film resumes that he had been watching previously. They were back where they belong. In each other's arms. The doctor comes by performing checks on Mac, she says everything is working perfectly, Mac will need to stay another night for observation but she will free to go tomorrow. These words fill both of them with such joy, she is desperate to get back to England, back to their bed, back to their stars. It's all she could see when she was asleep, was their glow in the dark starts looking back at here and star shopping on repeat. After a day of travelling they make back to England, back to their home together back to normality. She climbs into bed and actually lets out a moan as she hits the comfy mattress turning over she looks up at the stars. Grabbing a half smoked blunt from their bedside table she sparks up while looking up at the stars. Gus walks in and joins her looking up.

"It's all I could think about for 2 weeks. It's the only thing  I could see was these stars and your face. But you were never close enough to touch" she passes him the blunt.

"Should you having this? He looks skeptical at her

"Yeah weed doesn't count. Can we just stay in bed and watch films babe?" He nods his head at her as she walks off to shower. As the night progress Mac is in and out of sleep cuddled up to him, just being able to feel her warmth on his skin, feel her breath on his chest makes him feel alive. He looks down at her innocent face, he has hurt her so much in the past and she has done nothing but support and love him. He doesn't deserve her but she thinks he does and he is grateful for that every day. He loves her with all his heart and even if it does end up being just the two of them that's ok with him. He has his love, no one will ever take that away from him.

Ghost Boy // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now