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MackieRichRich The move is complete! London are you ready? So excited to be back here! Peep is already loving the underground

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MackieRichRich The move is complete! London are you ready? So excited to be back here! Peep is already loving the underground. 

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I still don't get why you don't call it the subway.

They stand in their new living room, staring at the empty shell of an apartment, ready to be filled with memories. Happy memories no sad ones this time. Mat and Chloe picked them out some furniture so when they got there it wasn't completely empty. Chloe even started a love wall for them filled with pictures of their family and friends. It was a happy remind for them that they still have a life back in L.A, there was pictures of Mac's parents, she even framed a large version of their wedding photo it was placed next to a photo of Peep and Mac's wedding photo. When she walks in it finally feels like a home, knowing that no one can just walk in at any point, no more frat house, no more feeling like when they go away anything could happen to their home. In a strange way she kinda missed the frat house, she kinda missed the constant company and business of the house. She complained about it a lot but now that she no longer has it, she realised how much she loved it. Worrying that they made the wrong choice moving here she rolls them a splif, first one in their new place. She stands on the balcony looking over London, it reminds her of the first time they came here together falling in love with London all over again. Peep wraps his arms around her waist looking out over the skyline together. He kisses her neck before she passes him the splif. Not moving from the position they are in. 

"Baby?" She calls him. 

"Yeah boo?" 

"Did we make the right decision moving here?" She turns around to face him, he rests his hands on railing

"Yeah of course we did babe. We needed to get out of L.A or something would happened. Like it did with Mackned"

"You sure? I kinda miss those parasites" they laugh, He kisses her

"Baby I miss those parasites as well but we need this, this is going to be so good for us and our career" She smiles up at him. 

" I love it when you call it our career" She leans up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He picks her up carrying on kissing her. He throws her over his shoulder carrying her into the bedroom. She laughs as he walks through the house, he throws her on the bed, she looks up at him biting her lip as he takes his tee off. She wraps her legs around his waist pulling him down ontop of her. He kisses her neck as she fiddles with the buttons on his jeans trying to pull them down. He helps her pull them down, he pushes her lace thongs to the side as he slips it in. Her giggles stops as pleasure takes her over her body. For the first time since their relationship started they have their own space, no one is going suddenly to come back to the house. They can be as loud as they want, they go around the flat fucking in every room christening the new place. They sit up on the kitchen floor looking at each other, panting out of breath. "Oh wow, that was amazing" They high five then a very sweaty kiss. 

"We have fucking amazing sex don't we?" Mac gets up off the floor holding her hand out for him, he grabs it she pulls him up. He laughs at her tiny body trying to pull him off the floor. He helps her by getting himself up. 

"Yes we do babyboy. Can we go get some food. I'm starving after that work" She winks at him. 

"Deal baby" He pulls her in for a kiss, their sweaty bodies meet. "But first shower" She nods, pulling him to their huge walk in shower. He watches as the water drips off her naked body, her tattoos glistening under the bathroom lights. "Fuck me your gorgeous" 

"I think I've already done that" She turns and winks at him. Turning around getting back to showering. She feels the weight of last few years wash off her and go down the drain. She leaves the bathroom and letting Peep shower. When he comes out of the shower there is something different about him, she can't put her finger on what but something is different but as she watches him get dressed she realises that the different thing about him is the weight of last few years have washed him off him as well. He looks way more relaxed, he looks like he did when they came here for the first time. They sit opposite each other in a sushi place, she looks at the love of her life thinking how 3 years ago she had never even tried sushi now it is one of their fave foods. So much has happened in the last 3 years more than she ever though could change. 2 months ago the thought of cutting down on drink and drugs would of made her shiver in her place but now she barely even touches them. They still smoke weed but that doesn't even count. She hasn't stopped all together but no way near as much as she used to do, the 2nd OD in Belgium made her look differently on their lifestyle. Even Peep has cut down on what he does now. Sometimes they wake up knowing what happened the night before. Looking over at Peep, she just smiles, he is her love, he is her world, he is her everything. 

"What baby?" He picks up a roll putting into his mouth. He grins at her. 

"Nothing boo. I love you" She does the same. 

"I love you too baby" 

This is their life now, She relaxes into her seat. This is what they have been looking for. 

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