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MackieRichRich cannot believe it's been 3 years since you were taken 🥺 I miss you so much every single day! I love you so much

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MackieRichRich cannot believe it's been 3 years since you were taken 🥺 I miss you so much every single day! I love you so much. I'm so sorry for anyone who has gone through this pain ❤️

Tagged Malika_ca

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LilPeep she would be so proud of you baby!

Summer is coming fast and tour is looming. Peeps first tour since leaving GBC, everyone knows that Peep is going to smash it but he is still nervous thinking he can't do it. Mac tells him every single day how proud she is of him and how much he can do it. But he still doubts himself everytime they mention tour. They are going Australia first which is exciting as Peep has never been.

MamaPeep🐥 is calling

"Hey Liza you ok?" Mac answer the phone while Peep showers.

"Yeah I need to tell you something and I know you're the better person to tell Peep"

"Ok this sounds bad" Mac sits out on the balcony with a smoke on the go.

"Gus's father has died" there is silence. Neither of them know what to say. It's common knowledge that Peep does not have a relationship with his Dad but still this is haunting news for anyone to hear. " He had a heart attack a few months ago but he had another one. The funeral is next week. You two are invited , let me know if you're going to, it's here in long beach" Liza sounds weak on the phone.

"Yeah sure Liza. I'm so sorry. Love you" Mac hangs the phone up as Peep comes walking out with a zoot in his mouth. Hair still wet from his shower. "Hey baby" she tries her best to smile at him and he leans down and kisses her.

"What's happened? Heard you talking to Mom" he sits down opposite her.

"Yeah Urm" she tries to figure out how to tell him "I'm not sure how to say this baby but Urm your Father had a heart attack" tears well up in her eyes at that pain he is about to feel "I'm really sorry hunny. He died last night" Gus goes weak and falls on her she catches his limp body, they sit on the cold floor of their balcony on a hot summers day. "I'm so sorry baby you have to feel this pain" she strokes his hair and kisses the back of his head. He doesn't cry, he doesn't scream, he is just silent. They sit on the floor for hours, looking over London's skyline. He finally moves sitting up next to her, dried tears in his eyes, he had been silently crying on her lap. She moves and sitting opposite him in the floor, leaning against the glass wall of their balcony. Leaning forward she takes his hands "There's a club. The dead dad club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize. But until you feel that loss...Baby, I'm really sorry you had to join the club" Tears well in both their eyes , he finally lets them loose. She sits up on her knees pulling him into her chest as he lets it all out. When he stops, she leans back against the wall and lights up the zoot. Taking a deep drag and then passing it to him.

"When's the funeral?" He finally speaks after hours of silent paint. He passing the zoot back to her.

"Your Mom said next week. We are invited if you want to go. We go straight from there to Australia"

"Yes please baby" she moves next to him cuddling him as the watch the sun slowly set over the skyline. After another long period of silence. "I love you Mackenzie Åhr" he kisses her cheek. Finally with the strength to move.

"I love too Gustav Åhr" she kisses him again. "Are you hungry baby?" He nods at her "sushi?" Shakes his head "Cuban?" Shakes his head "chippy?" He nods with a face grin on his face. It become his favourite takeaway since moving to London. "Ok baby. Do you want to walk with me?" He nods his head again. She gets up off the floor holding her hand out for him, pulling him up. He pulls her in for tight cuddle before they leave to get food.

The time comes. The funeral is here, they are only in long beach for 48 hours before heading off to Australia for tour. It what Peep decided he wants to do. She holds his hand tight rubbing it with her thumb as they stand outside the church "You ok baby?" She looks at him in his black suit, a somber look on his face.

He looks down at her "I am with you here" he kisses before they walk into the church together. Sitting on the back row. They watch and listen as people recant stories of Johan Åhr, very different experiences to what Gus had of his father. At the end they walk out to see Liza waiting for them by the car. Gus had made it clear he did not want to go the wake, he just wanted to go to show this side of the family is doing better without them. A woman comes up to the pair outside the church's as Mac lights up a smoke.

"You are not welcome here. Leave. You did not even speak to your father. You did not know him" his new wife shouting at Peep. He stands there staring at her with no energy to speak from the Xanax he took. Mac steps in. No one is going to speak to him like this.

"He was a child when Johan left. It was not Gus's responsibility to make the effort. It was Johans and he did not bother. He did not bother to come to our wedding or even call Gus on his birthday. We came show respect to the man who help bring him into this world. But he did not play a part is raising him. You should be ashamed of yourself for letting neglect his sons. Bitch" Mac spits at the feet of the woman. She grabs Peeps hand pulling towards the car, he trails behind her. Peep gets in the back car, Mac in the front seat.

He grabs her hand from the backseat "thank you baby" he kisses it "you didn't have to do it"

She turns in her seat "I did baby, your my husband. I'm here to protect you my love" she smiles at him.

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