1 | Wedding day

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Author pov

It was really a strange feeling for Jin. Never even in his dreams he thought he will be marrying his best friend taehyung. Everything happened so fast.
Now they were driving to Taehyung's house..nah mansion. This is not the first time Jin is going to that place. He's already been there a 100 times but this is gonna be the first time he is entering there are Taehyung's husband. The atmosphere in the car was too awkward. Jin and Taehyung didn't spoke anything towards each other.

Jin pov

Finally we reached the mansion after an hour long drive. I don't know what to say to him. I don't even know why he came forward saying he'll marry me. It's not like we don't love each other...we love each other as bestfriends. We were together since we were in diapers. But still I didn't get why tae said he'll marry me when he already had a boyfriend Jimin. Does he did that coz he pity me...

I was taken back from my thoughts when tae handle me the keys to open the door. We entered the mansion. A strange feeling was there cause I don't know what to do. We reached the living room and tae sat on the sofa. He directed me to sit.

"Jin, I know you are wondering why I've done that. But please don't question me now. I can't say it now" he said with a serious tone. "Why can't you say it now. It's me who you married and I have the right to know why" I screamed. "Jin please let's not fight now". I don't know what to say, I feel like crying. I want to see my mom and cry on her laps....

"Jin, you can use the room opposite of mine for tonight but I want you to stay in my room from tomorrow. Its just only for 2 weeks cause my parents are coming trmw and staying with us." I just nodded and went to my room on the first floor.

"Ahh...why is this happening to me..why does everyone leave me.. am I that bad..please god save me..." I started tearing up. I badly wanted someone right now. Usually it was tae who would be there to console me whenever I'm sad but now...he can't. He's also one of the reason of my sadness. Why did he have to destroy his live for me. I'm just a mere friend...but jimin....he's his love..the one he wanted to be with...the one with whom we wanted to build a future with...to have kids...grow old. But everything is gone. I destroyed it. Because of my stupid fate he lost his life..

I can't believe what all thing have been happening to me these days. It seems like God really hates me...first Namjoon then Chanyeol now Ken. I just closed my eyes to remember all those things that happened in my life....

2 yrs ago...

We are last year in the college. We includes me, tae, namjoon and yoongi.
We were soo close. I knew Taehyung since we were babies cause our parents were bestfriends. And we've been together since then. I met namjoon and Yoongi at college. I have a younger brother Jeon Jungkook. He's a freshman.

Those were the best days in my life..enjoying life without no responsibilities. Going to party clubbing etc etc. Our happiness was doubled when Namjoon confessed me. Since I too had a crush on him, I accepted it and we became a couple. Namjoon and I went towards tae and yoongi to announce we are together but what surprised is that tae told me he likes jimin whose my brother's best friends and Jhope, who was also one of Jungkook's best friend confessed to Yoongi. Well it was valentine's day that day, that is why everyone revealed about their love. And from then, we all were a couple. Me and namjoon, tae and jimin, yoongi and jhope.

Yoongi and jhope were two persons who were having polar opposite personalities. Jhope was always cheerful and happy but Yoongi was mostly cold but he's actually a softie from inside. He always shows a tough personality outside. Jhope understood that and he was verywell in managing yoongi. Now Yoongi also started to become a little cheerful and started laughing to my jokes...yoongi even once told that Jhope is his human battery...

For tae and jimin, they were the perfect couple..such a visual couples. Jimin is a dancer and tae supports him. Tae is a singer and jimin supports him. They were made for eachother. Everywhere the go, people will notice them and say they are cute couples. Jimin was tae's baby. Tae was jimin's big baby. Tae was always very clingy towards jimin and loved him so much. But he never failed his duty as my bestfriend. We still spends time together and goes shopping etc and jimin was perfectly fine with this. He's such an angel...

Well me and namjoon..it was actually a dream come true . I had a crush on him since we became friends but I never told him cause i was afraid if he rejected me. So when he confessed I was truly in heaven. I'm the most happiest person alive in this world. He made my life complete. He always had my back. He was truly a gentleman...

Now my baby kookie...he was still single and always hangout with us. We never made him feel leftout. So he was also happy....

But my happiness didn't last long.....


Again new story!!!!!

I hope you liked this part

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