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Next day

Jin pov

I woke up the next mrng and was surprised to find myself wrapped around taehyung's hand and my hand is wrapped around his neck. We both wants something to cuddle while sleeping. Maybe we both found each other during the sleep. I was really in an awkward position now. We used to cuddle before but now, it felt different. I tried to get out of his grip. But he wrapped his hands more tightly. I squirmed to get out. I felt him waking up. I don't want him to see the position we are in now. So I pushed him slightly but it was more powerful than I thought. He fell from the bed. Oh no.

"Ouch" I heard is voice from the floor. What will I do now. I quickly get out of my bed and run to the closet and took an outfit which I first saw and ran to the bathroom. Stupid me. I pushed him. I face palmed.

Now I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I dressed myself. It was then I realized that I took taehyung's shirt and pants. I don't want him to see me in his clothes. This is so embarrassing. No voice was heard from the room so I assumed me must have went out. I opened the door and peeked out. I saw him lying in his bed looking his phone. I went out.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was at the nightstand. Taehyung turned his head to look who it was. His face suddenly turned red  after looking at my phone. He seemed angry. He looked back and throw his phone in the bed. I went to check who was calling.  It was jimin. I saved his name as 'Vmin'. He might be angry due to that. I was afraid whether to take the call or not. Thankfully it hung after some bell. But unfortunately he again called. My mind battled whether to take the call or not. Taehyung saw this.

"Here, take the call and put it on speaker" he told me and  handed my phone.

I took the call and did as he told. Jimin was crying.

"Hyung, why did you do this to me. You all were cheating me. If you told me you liked him, I would have gladly step back from your life. But this...I treated you as my own brother and you did this to me..."

I was crying by now.
He continued "Yeah you guys are the best match. I'm just an annoyance for taehyung. That's why he left me. You guys were always together and still together. You're disgusting hyung."

I was a crying mess by now. Surprisingly, taehyung took the phone from my hand.

"Never dare to call my Seokjin again. It's you who is disgusting. I hate you. Don't ever come in between us" he told and hung up the phone and throw it in the bed.

I was still crying. I can't blame jimin. It's my fate. Only because of my stupid fate. They would have lived happily but how. I can't stop my tears. Taehyung looked at me and angrily walked away from the room and closed the door with a bang.

I was totally hurt. What have I done for God to punish me like this. I hated myself for everything. I don't know how much time I was crying. I cried myself to sleep. I only woke up in the evening. I can't believe I skipped my food and still isn't feeling hungry. That's very rare of me.

I went downstairs and saw eomma and appa sitting in the couch.

"Jin dear, how are you feeling now. Taehyung told us you're not well and sleeping and not to disturb you"
"I'm alright eomma " "I'll get you something to eat" she told and went to kitchen. I went behind her. I ate the food deliciously cause I became hungry by seeing food. "Eomma, can I go to my house to bring my things" "ok son, you can go. " I smiled at her. Taehyung was not at here. I wonder where he went. He might went to his company.

After eating, I got ready and went to my house. "Eomma, I missed you" I hugged my mom. "Jinnie son I missed you too" "where's appa and kookie " "appa is at work and kookie is in his room.. JUNGKOOKIEE COME DOWN" she called him loudly. "Coming eommaaa " he replied.  I sat with mom at the couch and talked "How are you son , is he treating you right?" "Yes, eomma. He's good."

"Jin , you're here!!" It was kookie from the stairs. "Yes pabo.  I came few min before. " we all talked for sometime. I told them everything is clear between taehyung and me. But jk seemed to understand I was lying. Thank god, he didn't further asked me anything. Maybe he also not wanted to make eomma sad by knowing the truth. I took my belongings and packed it. Kookie helped me to load it all in the car.

At 6, I went back to taehyung's house. I unpacked my things
Taehyung was not there. I saw eomma in kitchen and helped her. We made dinner.

It was now 9pm and taehyung still hadn't reached.  I wanted to call him but I didn't. My thoughts and actions are different nowadays. We decided to have dinner without him. After dinner I went to room.

Its 10pm now. He still hadn't reached. I wonder where he went. Is he with jimin...but he told he hates him in the mrng. When I remembered what he told the mrng, a shiver went down by body. He told 'my seokjin' suddenly I blushed. Why am I blushing. It feels weird. I shrugged off the thoughts.

I wanted to call him but my ego won't let me. Why can't he call me and tell he'll be late. But we're not in good terms now. But it's too late now. If he went to his company, he should have reached by now.  What is he returned to jimin and apologized for what he told earlier. My mind is making me mad. I decided to sleep and pullover my blanket. I drift off to dreamland...


I hope you liked this chapter. I wrote it so fastly. Kindly forgive for grammar mistakes and Thankyou for reading my book.  Love ya💜

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