10 | Night out

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Jin pov

I woke up at 5pm. Taehyung was not in the bed. I guess he get up before me. I went downstairs to look for him but he was not there. I went to kitchen but still not there. I went my parents room to ask eomma. She told she saw him with kookie earlier. I went to his room and saw the two playing video games.

I went silently towards them. "Bowww" I planned to scare them. But they gave me a unsurprised look. "Why are you guys not scared". "Ha next time when you come atleast remember to come without making any noise. You were screaming on top of your lungs calling for taehyung hyung before coming inside this room" why are everyone like this towards me. I pouted at him. "Don't pout you pouty baby" taehyung made fun of me. Seems like I need to teach him a lesson again.

I told them bye and went to my room. I laid in my bed and took out my phone. I heard the sound of door opening and saw taehyung coming inside.
"I'm bored, let's go somewhere"
"Oh is it, you go anywhere you like. I don't wanna go out of my room"
"Oh really, them I'll take Jungkook with me and go" he told and went outside. Is he serious, I was just joking and how can he just avoid me like that and go to kookie. I went outside and saw him ready to go out with kookie. "Yaah, you all going without me"
"Yup, you said you wanna stay in your room,right?. Stay as much as you want" he gave me a wink and lowered to tie his shoes. I pouted at them. "Eommaaa they are not taking me with them" I called for eomma. "God! Why are you like this jin. I was just joking. Now come" he laughed at me. I showed my tongue and followed them. We were already in good outfit so no need to change.

We all went inside the car. I sat at the back while tae sat at the passenger seat and kook is driving. "So where do you wanna go" tae asked. "Why, I'm going where you guys are going" "we haven't decided yet" kook told. "Then let's watch a movie" tae suggested. Then kook drove into the mall to watch movie. The theatre there is awesome and I had only went there once.

We finished watching the movie. It was awsome. I sat between kook and tae. It a romantic movie. And in the end when the lead roles unite, I cried so hard. Then we went to have KFC. I love it so much. We bought a bucket and ate it. They made fun of me saying I ate like a pig but i was hungry...

After that we went to the car. "Now should we head to home or.." I cut tae speaking. "Beach!! Let's go to beach" "but we just went there last day" "so?, it was near your house. This beach is at my place and it's more awsome than yours" we started blickering. "Calm down,  we can go to the beach" finally jk said stopping our fights.

We reached there. Beach is really something else at night. Its beauty is really out of the world. I always adored beach. It always helps me to calm down. I love spending time here.

I ran out of the car and played with the waves. Kookie joined me. Tae stayed there and watched us. "Are you our dad or something to watch us like that. Come and play you old man" I said and splashed some water at him. He wasted no time and joined us and started splashing water at me. In the end we 3 are now fighting in the beach splashing water at each other. After some 30 min we stopped and came out. We 3 walked for sometime to dry ourselves. We don't have any extra clothes and can't get back to the car in this state. The cold wind at night was sending chills to my body. It helped to dry the wet clothes. It felt really nice to walk with my dear ones in the night at the beach...

After drying ourselves, we went to our car and drove back home. We reached home a little late. I was again hungry by now. Eomma quickly brought us dinner. We 3 ate deliciously. 

We actually planned to return back today itself but since it's too late now and eomma has been asking to go back tmrw we decided to stay for the night and return tmwr mrng.

I took a shower and put my comfy pajamas. Taehyung showered in another room and I gave him my fav rj pajamas. He looked cute in that. Then we both laid in my bed to sleep.

I was not feeling sleepy so I took my phone and opened Instagram.

This boy can't live without Instagram I think

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This boy can't live without Instagram I think... anyway I liked the post. I heard snoring sound and saw taehyung had already fell asleep. He's cute while sleeping. I kept alarm for tmrw and proceed to sleep.

Next mrng

I woke up at 7. We need to go early cause tae needs to go to work. When I woke up today, we were really in an awkward position. He was hugging me. I was snuggling in his chest. I suddenly felt my cheek burning and I gently removed his hand and got up. I don't want him to fall like earlier time. My heart was beating really fast. Am I falling for my best friend... yah kimseokjin what happened to you!

I took a bath and dressed up and called taehyung. We woke up and I told him to fresh up and come downstairs. Jk was also sleeping.I went to his room and pinched his nipples for him to wake up. Haha he really hates when I do that but still I'll do it. I pushed him inside the bathroom and went to kitchen to help eomma in making breakfast. But surprisingly everything was already made. She really woke up early for us.
I talked with her about taehyung's house and everything while waiting for the two and appa to come down.

After some time, everyone came. We had breakfast and then tae and I bid goodbye to them. I really felt like crying. It was when I came here I realised that I really missed them. I'm happy and cheerful like this after a long time. I miss the old carefree me with no problems. I hugged eomma and appa and cried. "Jinnie, I'm not kidnapping you or something. You can visit them whenever we want. No need to cry this much" tae told. "shut up you idiot. Let me cry. I'll miss my parents and my little kookie" "Yaaaah! I'm not little" jk yelled. "No matter how many years passed, you're still my little kookie" I  ruffled his hair. He pouted.

"Come let's go now" tae told I followed him to the car. I waved my hands at my family and get inside the car. He drove off to our home..I mean his home.


I update earlier today.
And things are getting a little bad from now. So a happy chapter to make you all happy before the storm.

And hope you guys liked the chapter. 💜

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