18 | Always Better together

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𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

It's been 1 week now and I'm still at my parents house. After 2 days when I was still staying here eomma asked me if something is wrong between us. But I managed to escape by asking if the don't like me anymore and sees me as a burden. After that she didn't said anything about me staying. She might have told appa too cause he didn't asked me anything about it. Jk seemed to understand things were not right between us. But atleast he didn't bothered to ask. He gave me company sometimes. He was mostly busy with college cause it's his last year and he had many works.

I didn't once called tae and he also didn't bothered to call me. I don't want to admit but I missed him...but my ego didnt allowed me to call first. Why can't he call first, afterall he's the one at fault here. I didnt planned on forgiving him soon. But after 2 days I automatically forgived him even though he didn't even called me and apologized. I can't stay mad at him for long. But I still decided to act tough when we meet.

I actually thought he will come to pick me after 3 days but there was not even a news about him. I sometimes called his eomma and talked with her. She told me he's been acting weirdly. It's because of me but how can I tell her that....

When he was not coming, I thought he was gonna actually divorce me. I was scared of that happening. I decided to wait for 1week and if he still doesn't comes, I'll go to his house. So the week ends today and he still hadn't come. I'll go there tomorrow. 

I had breakfast and was just sitting in my room. Jk went to college and my parents went to wedding of some distant relatives. I was actually bored. I played video games for sometime. And soon it was time for lunch. Eomma had already prepared it before going. I heat it up and ate and went to my room to take a nap.

I slept for straight 3 hrs. When I went downstairs, I was met with an angry looking tae sitting on the couch glaring at me. I thought I was dreaming. I rubbed my eyes and again checked. He was still there. Omg I'm doomed.
"Get ready fast. You're coming with me"
I just nodded and went to my room to get ready and pack. I know it's not safe arguing with him now. But how did he get inside. Oh, eomma must have kept the key under the mat. She always does that when she goes anywhere. Tae knows about it. He might have took it to enter.

Anyway I got ready and went downstairs with my bag and rj plushie in hand. I didn't took it last time when I came. Also I didnt forget to write a note saying I'm going home with tae. Or else they will panick.

Tae just ignored me and went to the car. I got inside and he drove to his house. The ride was silent and we both didnt spoke a word. An uncomfortable silence filled the air.

We reached the house and he still didnt spoke a word to me. Does he hate me now... we went to the room and he is still avoiding me. I tried to initiate a conversation but he walked away. I went to Baekhyun hyungs house cause I'm not able to stay at the same place with tae and he avoiding me like that.

We talked in the veranda for some time. He asked about the wedding and all. The kids were out with their dad for ice cream. Then we saw tae getting inside his car and going somewhere.
"Where is he going?" Hyung asked me.
"I don't know. I'll get going now" I told him bye and went back to house.

I went to my room and unpacked the things. It was night already and tae was still not here. I waited for him to come to have dinner. Eomma and appa had already ate. Its 10pm now and I'm still waiting. I'm currently sitting at the living room with eomma and appa and they watching tv.
"Jin you go and have dinner. He usually comes after eating dinner is he's coming after 10". I nodded and went to have the dinner.

It's about 11.30 now and he still hadn't reached. Appa went to sleep and eomma stayed with me to wait for him. She called him few times and he's not taking the calls.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now