7 | Things getting worse?

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Jin pov

I don't know how long I cried. I cried my heart out. When I felt like relived,I stood up and went towards my car. I opened the door and get inside.

I saw him sitting already on the drivers seat with head on the steering. I felt bad for yelling at him earlier. I was too rude. He must have felt bad. He is the one who helped me to stay sane when I was heartbroken and the only person who has been with me throughout the bad and good times. I hurt his feelings now. I feel bad for myself.

I closed the door. He heard the sound and raised his head to look and saw me. He then straightened himself and started the car.

Throughout the drive, we didn't spoke anything. He was looking straight towards the road and I was busy gazing out from the window.

Suddenly his phone rang. His phone was connected to the car since he can't attend it while driving. It was Beomgyu, one of jimin's friends. I pretend to be busy but still listened what they're saying.
"Hello taehyung ssi"
"Hello to you too beomgyu"
"How are you? Have you been good?"
"Yup, I'm completely fine. What about you?" lying..
"Yeah I'm good. Um..have you talked with jimin after that" after that..oh our marriage.
"He called me too. He was crying very badly. You should have thought once more before doing this"
"Ok then, I'll call you later"
With that he hung up the call. He might have regretted connecting it to the car cause now I heard everything.

"You still have time to think about what he told" I told him looking straight into his eyes.

He suddenly hold the break and turned to glare at me.
"Taehyung we are in the middle of the road. Please take it from here" I understood that it was the signal for me to stop talking. I turned my face away from him and looked out. He started the car and drove to the mansion.


"Why do you sound sad"
"Ah its nothing"
"Tell me. What made my baby sad. Whom do I have to punch"
"Taetae its no one.  It's just that I quarrelled with eomma. She was yelling at me saying to study for exams."
"Aish, don't worry about that. Afterall it's our eomma and are you not studying?"
"I don't feel like studying. It is too boring"
"Do I need to come there now and give a smack to your head. Cause brats like you need a smack"
"Taehyungiee....its not that. Accountancy is too boring. And the balance sheet is not at all tallying. I think I'm gonna fail in the exam "
"Ah if you fail, you'll be tied up in marriage and will be getting married soon" he told and started laughing.
"Don't laugh you punk " I screamed at the phone.
"Haha, I'll stop. Anyway you should study. I'll help you cause I don't want you to get married first while I'm still here single as a pringle"  it was time of first year when we both were single.
"Oh you're jealous of me. But anyways, its accountancy and you don't know anything. You're studying business administration you fool"
"Whataver, I'll still help you. You start doing your problems now. I'll be on the call encouraging you. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good"
"Ok then take your books and start studying"

Poor tae. He stayed all night for helping me to study. I'm taking degree in accounting while he's in business administarion. He stayed that night encouraging me and saying things to cheer me up. I studied for the exam with his help and passed.

Good old days....


Present time

We reached home. And went inside. He didn't even spared a glance at me and went to our room. Since we already had our dinner, I changed into comfy clothes and went to the bed. I saw him coming out of the bathroom. He was dresses in his night clothes. He came towards the bed and took a pillow and went towards the couch in the room to sleep. (𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑) I felt bad. It's his room and I'm the one sleeping in his bed while he's sleeping in the couch.

'Taehyung you won't be needing to sleep in the couch anymore' I decided in my mind.



"Have you noticed, jimin has become more sexier after he came back from the trip"
"Oh really. He's handsome" I said and turned my face away from him.
"Ooh...someone is jealous"
"No, I'm not jealous of your boyfriend "
"Did I told you're the one jealous" he told and started laughing.
"I hate you" I yelled at him

We are like this. He always likes teasing me and keeps bragging about his boyfriend.

"Have you noticed that namjoon is getting hotter day by day. Have you seen his arms"
"Oh is it"
"Yess, have you seen how well built he is. He even got an 8 pack. Can you believe this. You didn't even got a 6pack" I told and started laughing at him. Serves you right.
"Yaah, it's not a big deal. Whatever, I'm more handsome than him"
"Who told you those lies. It's clear that he's more handsome and hot"
"Yaahh..I'm offended. You win"

This is us. We both loves to tease each other and make each other jealous. But we always have each others back. He won't let anyone hurt me and I do the same for him. We can't spend a day without seeing and teasing each other. It's like were soulmates.


<Present time>

I miss those days. I miss everything. I miss the old us.....


I wrote this chapter very quick. Hope it's not messed up. I didn't read second time.

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