27 | Showering together

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Next day I woke up so early and found myself embraced his a tight hug. Tae was spooning me and I was literally attached to his body. I slowly removed his hands around me but he just shrugged it off and hugged me tighter. "Tae you're suffocating me" it's the truth. I already have a breathing problem and him doing this is no help. I felt him loosening the grip around me. Did I woke him up "Sorry jinnie, I forget you had asthma. Do you want your inhaler or something" he proceed to get up but I quickly get hold on his hand pulled him back to the bed. "Just stay here some more time". I whispered near his face. He then pulled my face towards his and kissed me. "Tae I didn't brushed. My breathe might stink". "I don't care. I would still love you if you didn't bath for weeks" he said and again pulled me for a long kiss. What will I do with this man!

"So tae..what about our amusement park date today?" I asked him with us still lying on the bed. "About that...do you wanna go or should we cancel it". "I want to go but Eunwoo will be alone. How about taking him too." . "Cool, we can go together another time. Now let's go with him" he said and smiled. "Tae I was thinking how about taking our whole family I mean eomma appa and Eunwoo's parents. I mean his appa will come mrng right? It's been so long since we spend time with them and it's rare to get us all together." I suggested. "That's sounds nice. Let's ask them about it after during breakfast". I'm feeling lazy to get up. I would love to stay in bed with him the whole day.

"Tae, when will they go back" I asked him...I just want to know. I forget to ask Eunwoo yesterday about that. "Aunt said they'll go back today probably after evening. Mmm seems like someone is getting impatient" he teased me. I slapped his chest lightly. "No you stupid Tae. I was just asking" I said and turned to the other side. He pulled me towards him and kept one of his legs over me. "I love you my Seokjinnie...can't wait to make you mine tonight" he said kissing the back of my neck. "I love you too tae" I said quietly. Since it was still early, he slept for some more time.


"Jin Hyung Tae Hyung wake up" I woke up hearing someone knocking on the door. It was Eunwoo. I lazily get up and opened the door. "Mrngg...". "Mrng Hyung. You guys haven't woke up yet? Appa came and we are waiting for you two to come down". "Oh sorry, we'll come down soon". "Ok hyung. We'll be downstairs." He said and went down.

I closed the door and walked towards Tae who was still sleeping hugging a pillow. He wants something to hug while sleeping so I placed the pillow near him when I went to get the door. He was slightly drooling and was looking so cute. I proceed to wake him up not before taking a picture of this cute baby. How can someone look this cute while sleeping. I guess I look like a pig

"Tae dear get up" I slightly tapped his shoulder

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"Tae dear get up" I slightly tapped his shoulder. He didn't moved a bit. "Taehyungie wake up" I again said softly. He just squirmed and turned to the other side hugging the pillow tightly. This idiot! "Taehyung ah everyone are waiting for us. Get up fast" still no response. That's it. I lost my patience. "KIM TAEHYUNG! IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING UP THIS INSTANCE, I'M GONNA POUR COLD WATER IN YOUR FACE" I said shaking him aggressively and finally he opened his eyes and sat up.

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