25 | Its time to be 'one'

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𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

So today we both are gonna go out. I'm so excited. It's the first time us going out as a real couple. Every problems are solved I guess. So I can finally call him 'mine'.

Yesterday I called to my house and told them every problems are solved. They didnt believed first. I said it was all just misunderstandings and before marriage. Kook was really happy to know it. Eomma and appa was shocked but finally they accepted and gave green signal to our marriage. I also called Jackson and said him what happened. He's happy for me too.

As promised, tae is not going to work and we are going to the mall today. Tmrw we'll go to the amusement park. Now we are getting ready to go to the mall after having breakfast and telling his parents about our plan. They were really happy that we are spending more time together.

We get inside the car and he drove to the mall. While driving he placed his free hand on my thigh and started rubbing up and down. I was actually feeling strange at this. I felt myself getting hard everytime he brings his hands closer to my private parts. But we won't touch it and goes back. He is teasing me. I can't let him continue this and make me hard. When we reach home, I'm gonna kill u Kim Taehyung.

I placed my hands on top of his and intertwind our fingers. He looked at me with a surprised face. I gave him a warm smile before pushing away his hands from mine. Huh, that what you get for playing with jinnie. He pouted at me and continued focusing on driving.

Finally we reached the mall. He suggested to watch a movie first. Who am I to say no to him. We went to watch the movie. We was already a little late so we didnt get time to buy popcorn or anything. Tae told he'll buy me caramel flavoured popcorn during the interval. We both sat beside each other holding hands and watched the movie.

After 1 hr it was now interval and tae went out to buy the popcorn. I took out my mobile cause I was bored. It is now 5 min after he left and he still hasn't returned. Did he went to buy the popcorn or to make it. Whatever.

"Interesting. Look over here beomgyu." I heard a familiar voice from the back. I turned my head to look who it was and saw jimin with his friend. We didn't saw him before cause the movie had already started when we came and it was all dark. "One came with a proposal saying they're going to get divroved but the other didn't even knew about it. What kind of drama is this Mr.Seokjin, husband of Mr.Kim Taehyung" I didnt said anything. What is wrong with him. Is he trying to create more problems. It's better to keep silent than arguing with him.

"I didn't knew divroce is like this. So tae has also started acting nicely I see." He said and started laughing with beomgyu.

"Don't you dare to open your mouth once again or else I'll spill all your secrets which Seojoon hyung told me. I don't want to humiliate in public saying that. But I will if you keep getting on my nerves. It's better to keep your mouth shut" Tae told angrily at jimin. When did he came back. Maybe when I turned to jimin.

I saw jimin's face suddenly changed after hearing what tae said. He became pale as if blood ran away from his face. I grabbed beomgyu's hand and quickly walked away from the theatre not forgetting to look back and glare at me. Tae handed me the popcorn and hugged me as if saying its alright.

Who is Seojoon hyung and what did he told tae. Is there something that I still doesn't know. "Tae" he hummed. He was concentrated on the movie which started after the interval. "Who is Seojoon hyung. What were you talking about earlier?" He seemed taken back by my questions. He looked at me and then went back to watch the movie. "That's nothing... look the villain is gonna kidnap the bride" he said changing the subject. I also continued watching the movie and decided to ask it when we reach home.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now