26 | Truth about jimin

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Jin pov

Eunwoo took me to the garden and made me sit in the chair there with him sitting opposite me. "Hyung I never get to know you better. I hope you're not like jimin and can we be friends?"
What did he meant about jimin.."You know jimin?" "Yes, I've seen him few times when I came to visit tae Hyung and jimin also came with tae to Busan omce to visit us" "Oh I didn't knew. But why did you said you hope I'm not like jimin". "He doesn't like me. He hates it when Hyung gives his attention to me. He always scolds me for no reason."
Really! Is jimin like this. I thought he was a nice guy. He continued. "Hyung also doesn't like when jimin treats me like that. I'm happy that you are the one who married Hyung not that annoying guy." I laughed at this. We talked for about an hour about things and all.

Now it's time to sleep. Tae is nowhere to be seen. He might be in the room.  I decided to say good night to eunwoo before going. I looked for him and saw him talking with eomma and aunt. "Where do you wanna sleep dear? There's enough room here and upstairs" I heard eomma asking him. "I want to sleep at the room beside hyungs"

"what!" Shit why did I said that out loud. "Mm jin any problem?" Eomma asked me. "Oops sorry. I was just thinking about something else. Eunwoo come I'll take you to the room" he came with me and I showed him the room and went to our room beside his.

I went inside and saw tae already on the bed in his pajamas scrolling through phone. When he saw me, he kept the phone in the nightstand and came towards me. I locked the door and went to him. "Jinnie I missed u" he cupped my cheeks. "I was just gone for an hour tae". "I miss you every second when you're not with me baby" I blushed at this. He brought his face closer to me and attached his lips to mine. We kissed passionately for god knows how long. He then removed his lips from mine and started kissing along my jaw to my neck. He found my sweet spot and started sucking it. I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair. He lowered my shirt and started kissing my shoulder blades. I felt his hand going to my pants. I should stop this now. Eunwoo is in the next run and he might hear us. That's the last thing I want to happen. "T..tae we should stop". "Why babe?" He asked without pulling back. "Eunwoo is next to our room and he might here us" he pulled back. "Why..I thought he'll stay downstairs". "Me too but he said he wants that room. As much as I would love to give myself to you now but I want our first time to be special..I mean not being scared of making noise and others hearing..." I said. "I understand babe. So let's just continue this after they go and now let's cuddle" he carried me bridal style and placed me on the bed and laid beside me hugging me.

"Tae.." I called him. There is still something I want to ask him.
He hummed as response. His eyes are already closed. "Um can you please tell what you meant earlier at the theatre about jimin" he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me. "You want to know?" "Yes"

He then get up and sat leaning to the headboard. I did the same. "You know jin, our marriage was really an unplanned one and I felt bad for hurting jimin. I wanted to apologize too. But thank god I didn't. I was late to know that I was just one of the guy whom he used to fuck with. I didn't knew anything about it. Seojoon hyung is his neighbour and he was the one who told me that he had seen many times different guys going and coming out of his house at night. I met hyung after you went back to your house asking for divorce. Actually I was shocked to know that."

Wtf! Is jimin that type of guy..I never thought he would be this low. "So you're saying that his love and all was fake" . "Maybe, who knows where he went those days  when he told he's going with his family...I never thought he'll do such things".

"I can't believe this tae". "Neither can't I. The jimin I know was a sweet angel. He was only with me a longer time for the money. I can't believe I was just one of his fuck toy. He just used me like that. Now that I know about his truth, I'll only treat him like a whore as he said. God won't forgive him for these sins"

I don't know what to do. Tears where formed in his eyes. He really loved jimin. He must be heartbroken to when he knew all these and I wasn't with him either at that time. "I'm sorry Tae. Sorry for what happened" I hugged him. "Why should you be sorry. Its him. He should be sorry for what he have done".
"If you wasn't my bestfriend, I would have never been lucky to have you in my life tae" I kissed his cheeks. "This is all fate Tae, to bring us both together. Just forget about him. You have me and I have you. We love each other and that's enough. Just remember I love you and is always there for you" he just nodded but didn't spoke anything.

I then made him lay down and brought him closer to my chest hugging him tight. I can't see him broken like this. I sang his favourite song 'winter bear' and he slept like a baby koala hugging me. "I love you tae"


Guys sorry for the delay. I was watching the concert 2 days and then was studying the remaining days. One happy news is that my exam is postponed to dec. So I can complete this story peacefully now.

A quick chapter. I'll try to write some smut in next and will post tmwr.  Till then bye guys...

Also sorry for making our precious jimine a bad character

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Also sorry for making our precious jimine a bad character. It was his bday yesterday. He turned 25!! (26 Korean age)

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