11 | Run away

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Jin pov

We reached home. I'm really happy now. We both went together inside the house with a smile. Eomma and appa were really happy to see us together happy like this cause it's the first time I'm with him this happy after the marriage.

"Sons we have something to tell you"
"What is it eomma" tae asked.
"We have decided to settle here. And maybe this house or we will shift to give you two some peace"
"Oh wow, it's really a pleasant news. I'm really happy to have you here eomma and appa" I told her. But tae doesn't seem that happy. Maybe because we need to stay in room..who knows. "Ok eomma, do as you like" he told and went upstairs. I followed him there.

"What happened. Why are you suddenly gloomy?" I asked him.
"Ah it's nothing jin. I never thought they will make this decision. This means you're stuck with me forever in this room and I'll have less space in my bed" "yaah you idiot" I throwed a pillow at him. He smiled and went to take his bag and went to work.

I stayed in the bed thinking about him. Why am I like this. Is this correct? Does he feel the same for me. Am I overthinking. I pulled out my hair in frustration.

Author pov

Things were better for the next 2 days. Tae and jin spend more time together. Jin started to have feelings for him but he thought it was wrong cause jimin still loved him. He's actually breaking true lovers apart. He felt disappointed in himself but can't help from falling for taehyung. Deep inside in his heart he knows taehyung won't love him back.

It was evening and taehyung was out in the garden. He left his phone in the bed with jin. Suddenly many notification popped up.

Jin pov

I felt curious. From yesterday he has been spending more time in his phone. And whenever he gets a call he goes out of the room. I'm getting curious to know who it is. Maybe that person is sending him messages now. I tried to unlock his phone.

I wrote some passwords but it didn't work. Finally I wrote 'taejin' and surprise! The phone was unlocked. Not even in my dreams I thought he will put our nickname as the phone password. I checked his call log and the last call was from 'Minho'. They even talks at midnight. This means he talks with him without me knowing. I checked his messages and the last one was also from him. He was the one sending messages right now. Minho is one of our highschool classmates whom taehyung had a crush and dated for 2 months. But he left tae for some rich guy. Their relationship was nothing serious so we didn't actually counted it as an actual relationship.

Suddenly his rang and it was Minho. I decided to ignore it. But he kept calling. Finally I took the call. "Hello taehyungiee..i missed u. Why weren't you taking the call " i heard his voice from the other side.
"Umm..he's not here rightnow" "oh jin, is that you. Do you have any shame, Whore" "Mind your words Minho "
"Huh? You're the one who cheated him and make him marry you. You're really a gold digger jin. How can you be like this. You even betrayed that poor jimin guy." I was not able to reply anything. Mentioning about jimin always makes me weak."now I want to tell you that be ready with your bag cause taehyung loves me now and I'll be coming soon. Better be good and divorce him and leave from our lives.". "Shut up! You're the one who left him when you get some rich guy. ". "Oh Seokjin, you know very well whose the gold digger here. You better leave his life before I come orelse he might throw you away" i couldn't handle it anymore. I hung up the call.

I felt very heavy in my heart. Does taehyung thinks me as a gold digger. Does he still has contact with Minho. I'm stupid for falling for him. I cried and laid in my bed. I can't sleep, I just laid there crying.

Taehyung came after half an hour.
"Jinnie why are you lying and why didn't you turn on the lights." He turned the lights on and sat beside me. "Its nothing" "I know something is bothering u. Just tell me jin"
"Minho called today..." "ooh" what ooh.
"Why are you like this taehyung. Are you together with him now. How can you do this. What about jimin. He was far better than that Minho guy" he just looked blankly at me.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now