13 | Make it right

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Jin pov

Next day I woke up with a slight headache. Maybe it was because of too much crying yesterday. Taehyung had already left to work when I woke up. I went to freshen up and went downstairs.

I saw eomma and appa was there. They smiled at me. I was afraid what will I tell them. Yesterday night i didnt saw them so i didnt need to explain what happened to them but now I'm busted.

"Mrng eomma. Mrng appa" "Mrng jin, come have breakfast " I went towards them. They didnt asked me anything about yesterday. I was thinking of lies to tell when they asked about it. "We just reached before 1 hr. Eomma's condition is better now" eomma told me. What happened to grandma and they reached here today? "Um what happened to grandma" I asked her. "You didnt knew, after you went to meet your cousin, we got a call saying my eomma was sick and we were urgently needed there so we left at once. Didnt taehyung told you that" "ah yes, sorry I suddenly forgot " yah somehow I escaped. I should be saying this but thank god. I hope grandma is better now. "Its alright son" he patted my head and brought breakfast for me. She is such a loving mother. She treats me like her own son. Appa also loves me. They never made me feel lonely in this house. I will miss them when we get divorce.

I silently ate my breakfast. She was just sitting there watching me eat. And appa was reading newspaper. After having breakfast we went to the mall for shopping. She brought clothes for me and taehyung. Couple clothes to be exact. Which I know we would never wear...

After that, we went to watch a movie. Being with her made me miss my mother... she then took me to park too. I don't know why she is doing all this, but this was really needed for me. It helped me to calm my mind after the incident yesterday.

We returned home at about 7pm. I thought taehyung might have reached by now. But he was not there. I wonder why is he late today. Maybe he doesn't want to face me..

After some time, eomma and appa called me to have dinner but I refused saying I'll eat when taehyung come. But it's been 10pm now and still he's not here. I was sitting at the couch waiting for him. Eomma came and sat beside me.

I felt tired and I was yawning. "Son, lay in my lap. You can sleep till tae comes" I love her. She treats me like her own son. I'll miss her when we divorce. I laid in her lap. She patted my head and I quickly drifted to sleep.

Author pov

After 40 min  taehyung came. He saw jin sleeping in his mothers lap.
"Where were you?" Mother asked him.
"I was at a friend's birthday party"
"Are you drunk?" She noticed he was not his usual self. "Ha I drank just a little" .

"Hmm. He fell asleep in my lap. Poor him. I noticed he was not feeling well today. So I took him out for shopping and we watched a movie"
"Ah..dont wake him up. Let him sleep"
"Don't you want dinner?" eomma asked.
"Did he ate anything?" He ignored her question.
"No, he was waiting for you". Tae smiled hearing it.
"Alright, then we'll eat when he wake up. Eomma go and sleep. Its late"
She carefully placed Jin's head in the pillow nearby and kissed his forehead. She didnt forget to kiss her son too. Then she went to her room.

But jin was already half awake by now. He rubbed his eyes and woke up yawing. 'Cute' taehyung thought.

"Sleep..you can wake up later" taehyung told.
"Dinner?" jin asked
"I'm not hungry. You can eat and then sleep"
"Tae, can I ask you something"
Taehyung raised his eyebrow at him.
"Can I stay here till d..divorce?"
"Mmm" he replied.

Jin pov

Since he is not eating, then I'm also not eating. He went to room to get changed. I closed the lights and went upstairs to our room.

When I reached there, he had already changed and was lying in the bed. I took my pillow and blanket and went to the couch.

Whatever it is, it is not right to sleep with him now. We're gonna get divorced soon so it's better this way.

I placed the pillow in the couch and went to turn of the light. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"Even after all these, you still not feeling anything towards me..?" He looked into my eyes. I felt like melting under his stare.
"Tae what are you saying..are you drunk"
"Mm...a little"
"Sleep now. We can speak tomorrow " I tried to free my hand from his grip.
"I will..only if you're beside me"
"Like how was it before"
"Its won't be right tae, we're gonna be divorced soon"
"I didnt asked for anything else. I'm still your best friend. Then what?"
"Jimin.."he closed my mouth not letting me to complete what I was saying.
"For God sake jinnie please stop this. You still think I'm going to get him after you leave me. There won't be another person in this Taehyung's life. Its either you or noone. Jimin had already started moving on from me. Don't worry about him too much."

"So what about you" If he is not gonna be with jimin, then what will he do after our divorce
"How was it going till now, that way... what will you to jinnie?"
"Same...like usual"

I looked at his face and my eyes locked with eyes. I felt lost looking into his eyes...he was also staring fondly at me. Tears formed in my eyes and fall without me knowing. He took his hands and rubbed those tears away.

"These eyes should not cry anymore. I did all those to not see those" he kissed my forehead. When he did that, I lost my control and hugged him and cried in his chest. He pulled me closer towards him.

We pulled back. He cupped my cheeks.
"Did it hurt a lot..that slap "
"Mmm" I told and lowered my head.
"Oo... its good... you get better when you get one occassionally" he told and started laughing. I slightly hit his chest.
"But you repaid it with interest. So no worries , it's a compromise." I laughed at him. I got my bestfriend back.

"Anyway, let me make it up to you" he brought his face towards mine and kissed my cheeks. "Now it will be better" I blushed at this. I turned my face to hide my blush. "Aww my jinnie is blushing" he cooed at me. "I'm not, you idiot". I pushed him from me. "Let's sleep" I tired to change the topic. "Alright. Come sleep with me" he whined. Why is be having like a baby. "Don't cry you baby. Let me take my pillow and blanket" I took it from my couch and laid in bed with him.

This time he was lying a little close to me. I turned to face him. He also turned towards me and smiled. Then he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. He patted my cheeks which he slapped. "I'm sorry". He is guilty for slapping me. "Just forget about it. I also slapped you. Its tallied then" "but still I'm sorry" "ok I forgive you." He smiled brightly at me. Even in the darkness I can see his boxy smile. "I'm sorry too" this time I patted his cheeks which I slapped. "I already forgives you pabo" then we both laughed. I took my hands back and he did the same. I laid on my back and tried to sleep.

I can't sleep. I can already hear snoring from the other side. I turned and saw him sleeping cutely with his lips parted. He looked so cute while sleeping like a baby. When he kissed earlier, I feel myself on fire. I'm sure, I'm falling for him...


I hope this chapter is not boring.

Is it common to lose confidence after reaching half of the story..🙄

But I won't leave this book without completing 😅


Haha but I have no idea how to write it.

I'm not feeling well, so I'm not sure if I'll update tmwr. It's raining heavily here and I got cold and I'm not feeling well. I update now cause I didnt update yesterday.

I didnt re-read this. So kindly forgive if there is any mistake due to autocorrect

Thank you for reading
Love ya💜

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