9 | Jin's House

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Jin pov

Somehow we solved some of the problems and went to my house. We reached there at 1. Thank god we atleast reached at correct time for lunch. I was hungry as hell.

Tae parked the car. And I quickly get out. He also stepped out and called me from back. "Where are you running to. The house won't run away from here"
"Whatt". "Nothing, what I want to say is that, don't overact and spoil everything. Just behave towards me as you are always and one more things. Be a little decent" he again started teasing me."Oh that's not a big deal. Here everyone knows how I behave ". "No no, that's not what I mean. If you behave decently they will tell 'Ha he got some manners after going with taehyung' that's is". "Aah..that's done" I told and hopped to my house.

I'm excited to meet them. It's been some days since I saw them. I'm not a call person. I like to talk in person more. So I don't call them that much when I'm at taehyung's home. Seems like I need to start doing more calls cause I miss them so badly.

"Eommmaaaaa!! I'm here" I yelled and went inside. "Aish this brat" I heard taehyung say from my back.

I saw my kookie sitting at the couch waiting for me. But he didn't saw me cause he was busy in his phone. I went silently towards him and stood behind him and snatched his phone from his hand.
"Who wa...jinneee!"
"Yes idiot, its me " I put the phone in the couch and hugged him.
"Why are you yelling kookie" I heard mom screaming from kitchen. He opened his mouth to reply but I closed his mouth. And signalled I'll go to her.

I went to the kitchen without making any noise. I tiptoed and closed her eyes from behind.
"Guess who is this" I changed my voice and asked her. "Ofcoure I know it's my son who promised to visit today" "yaah eommaa you should have said you didn't know then I will surprise you. You just spoiled the plan" I pouted. "Hehe, don't worry son. Next time I'll promise I will act as I didn't knew" "haha ok eomma..where's appa"
"He's upstairs in his office room. We have been waiting for you guys since 12 and you guys showed up now" "Ah...its..it was t..traffic yes traffic" I almost got caught. I don't want them to know any of my problems. "Hmm whatever" I kissed her cheeks and ran upstairs. On my way I saw tae and kook talking. I climb the stair and went to appa's office.

"Appaa I'm home" I opened the door of his office. "Haa my son. It's been long since I saw you" "Yeah I missed you appa " " I've been waiting for you. But since you were late I came to complete some of my pending works" my appa is manager at one of his friends company. "Come let's go downstairs and have lunch. I'm hungry already " I took his hand and went downstairs.

I missed this. I'm genuinely happy. I missed my family. I got my bestfriend back. I can't ask for more happiness. But I really feel bad about jimin... he's not at fault and he's suffering because of me.

I went downstairs and heard more voices coming from the living room. I went there and saw yoongi and hobi there.
"When did you guys come"
"Just now. Eomma told us to come cause you will be coming today. We also miss our friend you know" it was yoongi.
"Haa yoongichi I missed you too. You too hobi" we 3 group hugged. "You forget me" kook told and joined us. "Yaah I'm left alone. Me too" tae whined. "Come here you whiny baby" I pulled him towards us. We all group hugged. Ha I missed all these....
I heard sound of taking pictures. I turned my head and saw appa taking our pictures.

"Come boys it's time for lunch" eomma called us. "Comingg" we said in unison and went to the dining table.

I sat with kook and hobi while tae and yoongi and eomma sat opposite. Appa sat at the centre. We enjoyed the grand meal eomma prepare for us. Ah I missed the taste of eomma's food.

"Here boys have have some" eomma brought my favorite sweet dessert tteok (actually I don't know any Korean dessert. I googled it) "give it to me" kookie screamed. "There's enough. Don't worry". We all except tae took as much we want. What happened to him. I'm sure he loves it. We always order this when we go to have food in restaurant. Oh maybe he wants to act decently.Eomma saw him not taking any. "Taehyung son, here have some" I decided to tease him a little. "No eomma, tae don't eat much sweets. Give it to me" I took it from here hands. I saw taehyung rolling his eyes at me. Haha this is what you get for playing with Kim Seokjin.

After some time we finished our lunch. Yoongi and hobi went cause yoongi have to finish something at his company. He's really busy since he became the music producer. Hobi being the supportive bf he is always accompany yoongi everywhere. I wish I also find love like them. Someday, I'll also be happy as them....

We all chatted for sometime and taehyung went upstairs for taking a nap. I also decided to follow him. I usually takes a nap in the afternoon but after I got married, i never got a chance to take a nap peacefully. Usually I cry myself to sleep. Now I can sleep peacefully in my room in my bed. I know taehyung will be in my room too. So I took some Tteok in my hand and went to my room.

I opened the door and saw tae lying in the bed. His eyes were open and he was just looking blankly at the fan. Is he out of mind or something... anyway I decided to start my teasing.

"Mmm...its so tasty. Omg I love it" I sat at the end of the bed and took a bite of the sweet. He looked at me. "You're so cruel" he pouted at me. "Haha that's what you get for messing with me earlier " I told and brought the other piece closer to my mouth. Suddenly he took my hand towards his mouth and took a bite from my Tteok. "Yaahh its mine" he smirked at me. "You can have it" he released my hand. "I'm not your husband or something to eat what you already ate" "you are. You are my husband and you can eat it my dear hubby" "Here, you have this full" I gave that piece to him. He gave a winning smile. Suddenly he snatched the remaining piece from my hand and shoved into his mouth. This idiot. When he told earlier I'm his husband I felt a spark in my heart. Omg what is this. Am I having a heart attack!

Then I proceed to sleep in my bed. We both laid with a comfortable distance between us. I wish this happiness never ends... I closed my eyes and dozed of to sleep......


Yay next chapter!

I hope you guys liked it. Things are becoming happy. And now almost everyone except jimin came by now.

I wrote it fastly. Kindly forgive mistakes and one more imp thing. I don't know what Tteok is. I googled sweet Korean desserts and found it.

Also thank you for 1k reads and 200+ likes

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