24 | Solved

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Jin pov

Next day tae woke up early than me and he was the one who woke me up.
"Jinnieeee...wake up.. rise and shine"
"Noo..5 more min"
"Then I'll join u too" and he jumped on top of me. "Tae get off me"
"No, only if you wake up"
I hesitantly woke up. He is pushing me to go inside the bathroom to freshenup. "Go and bath. You needs to go to work"

"Work? You told me not to go there anymore" I pouted. "I was angry yesterday..so I just said what came in my mind..now go and bath"
"Nooo..I don't want to go"
"You lazy boy. If you're not going to bath, then I'm gonna carry you and give you a bath" I blushed hearing that. He gave me a smirk. I ran from his hands to the bathroom.

Somehow I finished bathing and came out. He was almost ready to go to office. "Get ready fast. I'll drop you" he said and grinned at me. Ooh so that's the reason. He wants us to go together, that's why he woke me up early with him. "Sooo that's why you were doing all these..huh?" I said and started laughing. "Umm...I don't want you to go alone in the bus..so" . "Mm mm. I'll come"

We both got ready and went downstairs together holding hands.

Eomma and appa were looking at us suspiciously during breakfast. Yesterday we were like strangers fighting and all but today its the exact opposite. Tae was really happy. He talked with everyone and even cracked some jokes. Also the spark in eyes had returned and eomma was super happy to see this.

"So, the problems between you two over?" She asked and tae looked at my face.
"It was finished already" tae grinned widely.

She gave a sigh of relief. "Thank god. What were you two doing the past month... it was good that we didn't interfere in your problems. We should have moved from here earlier so they would have compromised. "

"It would have been better if you both were more matured and responsible towards life and not only in business' it was appa.

Tae leaned to my ears and whispered "Appa started his lecture classes. The faster you eat, the earlier we can escape" I silently laughed at this.

"What are you two whispering" appa asked us.
"Nothing appa, I was just telling him to be more responsible"
"Idiot" I mumbled quietly but tae heard.
"What jinnie, you want more pancakes? Eomma pass me the pancakes please."
I'm gonna kill you tae!!!

"Jokes apart, when will you two withdraw the divroce since things are okay?" Appa asked.

We both just looked at each others face. We never really thought about that...

"They will look after it. Don't worry" thank god, eomma saved us.

Then we finished the breakfast and now we were ready to go to our offices.
We went inside the car and he droved off. We kept talking about many things. During that, divorce in came between the talk.

"So when do you wanna go to withdraw the divorce?" He asked me
"Why should I withdraw. I want divorce" I showed my tongue at him.
"Hmm..the court said 3 months, if they give me 7more months, I'm ready to set you free after 10 months. I just want your consent for that" he winked at me.

"Yeah pervert, why are you like this. I don't want divorce"

"Yah jinnie don't say that. If you're ready we can go to court with a baby. It will be a surprise for them. How does it sound?"

"Tae, look at the road and drive. Not on my face" I successfully changed the topic. If not, I'll become red from what he was telling.

After sometime, we reached my office. It was about 15 min away from taehyung's. He stopped the car in front of the huge building. "We reached here. Now shoo" . I took hold on his hand.
"Taee...can you drop me at my office...pweasee" I showed him my puppy eyes. Puppy eyes were always our weakness. As much as I couldn't resist him, he also can't resist me.
"Aish jinnie, you're not in kindergarten or something" ooh I thought he will drop me there. Fine.

"Fine,I'll go on my own" I then leaned to open the car door but he pulled me back to the seat.
"Ow don't be mad jinnie. I was just kidding. I'll come"

We both went out. He hold my hands and I was totally clinging to him while going to my office. I wish to walk like this forever..... Finally we reached my office.

Everyone was eyeing us weirdly. What? They won't let me be a little romantic with my husband. Well I thinks what we've done is romantic enough.

"Thank you taehyungie. Now go or else you'll be late"
"Take care" he kissed my forehead and went to his office.

The day was fine today. I didn't felt much tired like yesterday. Maybe because of taehyung. He's been sending me messages like 'I miss u', 'I love u' etc etc. I've also replied saying I love you  and all...I think it's the first time I'm saying this to him. He called me during lunch break to make sure I eat. He's so caring and loving.

In the evening to my surprise, he was waiting for me outside the building leaning to the car. I ran towards him and hugged him. "I missed you tae". "Same jinnie" he gave me a small peck on the lips and we get in the car.

We reached home and eomma was really happy to see us like that. What she said next really surprised us.
"Sons you know, we have been searching for a perfect home for me and appa and finally we found one. We'll be moving out next week. Appa went there to make sure everything is okay." . "Isnt it a too fast eomma. Please go atleast after few months. I'll miss u if you go" I can't believe they are moving out so soon. "Aish jinnie, don't be sad. We know you two needs your space and we don't like to disturb you two. I promise we will regularly come to meet u. Is that fine?" She rubbed the tears from my eyes. I just hummed. "Its okay eomma. Give me the address so we can go and check the house" tae asked . She gave him the address. It was actually a little far from here. 2 hrs drive. But if they likes that, we are okay with it.


We went to our room and changed into regular clothes. Tae promised me to take a leave tmrw and hang out. Our firm gave all employees a 3 day leave cause it's the 50th anniversary of the firm tomorrow. They are making me lazy by giving leave at once when I rejoined. They arranged a party but I won't be going. I'll hangout with tae. We'll have so much fun the next days....


Guyss....I hope this chapter ain't boring . I've lose all my inspiration to write. I've been feeling down lately. I was about to delete this story but thank god I didnt.

I know this chapter might be a trash. Please forgive me.

My model exam starts tomorrow and I'm so tensed about it. That's why I'm feeling so down now. I haven't studied completely. I hope to study perfectly for the main exam.

This chapter is short cause I don't know what to write... maybe I'll get something to write tmrw.

Thanks you for 900 votes.🥺

Love ya❤

And it is #21 on taejin😍

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