32 | He is my remedy

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*Guys please trust me...you'll get a happy ending in this book*


Jin pov

I decided to tell Tae what happened as soon as he comes home. It's been 9pm and he still hasn't reached. I'm waiting for him in the living room. After some time he opened the door and came inside. I stood up seeing him. He came and stand in front of me glaring at me.

"Just because I made a mistake once doesn't mean I'm gonna repeat it. Ever since I put that ring in your fingers, i never thought about another person in my life" he said and stormed out of the  room before I could say anything.

Tae is sad from what I said earlier. I can clearly see it in his eyes. I thought about telling him what happened after sometime rather than destroying his mood at once when he returned from the journey but what I said made no help. He's really mad at me now. I sighed and went to our room after making sure to lock the door.

I reached the room and looked for tae but we wasn't there. Also the door to balcony is closed. "Where did he went?"
Anyway I laid down on the bed and took out my phone from the table. I turned it on. Now I don't need to afraid of namjoon's calls. I have tae by my side. He is my solution. My remedy.

As soon as it was turned on, it was flooded with notifications of missed calls and messages. I saw many texts from Tae saying 'love you, miss you, I want to see you' etc. A smile formed on my face seeing that.

Then I saw messages from namjoon. He texted me cause I wasn't taking calls. Its filled with messages like 'babe I miss you, i badly want you babe, you're so sexy, I'm coming to see you tonight' I felt disgusted seeing that. I immediately deleted all his messages and blocked his number.

Tae came inside the room and saw me looking the phone. "Oh never knew phones had the power to get repaired automatically" he scoffed at me. I didnt said anything back cause I deserve it.

"Tae can you please hear what I have to say" I requested him
"No I don't want to hear anything. Can you just move a little, I want to sleep"

I moved to the other end of the bed and he laid in the bed. We both are now at the further ends. I didnt wanted to bother him so I turned to the other side. The distance felt heartbreaking. I couldn't control the tears forming in my eyes. I cried silently not wanting to disturb him.

I felt him shifting in the bed. Suddenly his hands snaked around my waist and pulled to closer to him. He then made me turn and face him. I brought his fingers under my chin and raised my head making me look at him. I could see him widely grinning at me under the light of table lamp. I hit his chest a few times till my anger goes. He hugged me closer to him and laughed at me. I pouted at him and snuggled closer to his chest.

"Is it over now?" He asked me.
"But I'm still angry at you"
"Yup, my anger won't go this easily"

I felt afraid and covered my cheeks with my hands. Seeing this, he again started laughing.

"Why are you laughing"
"Don't be afraid baby. I won't slap you. My anger will only be gone this way"

He said and hovered on top of me. He brought his face closer and placed his lips in mine. I melt in his kiss. I missed him and this... his hands went down and started unbuttoning my shirt. I gave myself to him. He was a little rough but his love was more. His anger melted in front of our love. He was filling we with the love which we missed for the last 3 days.

After hours of love making, he laid beside me. Both of us panting for air and with our body sweating. Even in the coolness of the A/c, I felt hot.

He opened his hand motioning me to go to him. I moved closer to him and placed my head on his chest. He hugged around my waist. My face was near his tattoo and I gave a kiss to it. I then raised my head to look at him and found him also looking at me. "You're gonna be the death of me jinnie" he said and kissed my forehead. We laid like that for sometime. I totally forgot about namjoon.

"Jinnie.." he called me. I hummed at him.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked with worry.
"Me? No, I'm sorry Tae. It was all my mistake..I was wrong" I admitted
"Let's decide who was right and wrong later. Anyways it's over now"
"It isn't..."
"What else" he sat up and asked me.
"Let's wear something before talking about this." I was already on the verge on crying when I thought about what happened yesterday. I took my clothes which was on the floor and wore them and gave taehyung his.

I sat beside him and took his hands in mine and brought it closer to me and cried. "Why jinnie..why are you crying" he asked with concern.
"N..namjoon" he was alerted when i said his name. "Namjoon? What did that bastard do" I explained to him everything what happened.

His face became red with anger and he clenched his fists. "Enough..I don't want to hear more" he said with anger. "How dare he threatened you saying all these when I was not here. That coward. I'm gonna kill him. It was my mistake for leaving him alone last time." He said and throwed the vase on the nightstand towards the wall opposite us. He pushed my hands away and get out of the bed. I quickly went to him and hold his hand making him stop going out.

"Please don't do anything now..please"
"Then when! How dare he. That bastard. He wants me to share my husband with him" he said and removed my hands from him and hit the wall with his hands.

"Tae what are you doing" I quickly stood in front of him, stopping him from hitting the wall.

I cupped his face and made me look at me. "Look here. I'll never leave you Tae. Never. I'm yours and yours only. Namjoon or no one can separate us. I can't live without you. Please don't do something without thinking" I don't want to regret if something happens to him. That dream of yesterday is still clear in my mind.

He didnt replied anything and kept silent. He was still trying to move from my grip. I hugged him. "Tae calm down..I'm with you" I whispered near his ears and I felt him calming down.

"This was why I didnt told you this through phone. I know what you would have done if you knew this"

He just hummed.

"Tae I want to say something"
"What is it?"
"I want a baby" I said a little shyly.
"What! Are you serious " his anger is gone in a second.
"Do you think it's really time for us to think about that"
"What do we need to think? If things are going in this way, I'll get pregnant soon" I said and smiled . He slightly laughed.

"You want a baby right now or is tomorrow morning fine?" He said and started laughing and sat on the bed. I didn't get what he said at first. But then I realized he made fun of me. "Yah tae! No more kisses for you tonight" I said and pouted

"Aww come here my pouty baby" he said and opened his hands. I went towards him and sat on his lap. "You don't need to kiss me. I'll kiss you" he said and stole a kiss from me. "Come let's make babies then" he said and made me lay on the bed and dived into me.(𝘠𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯😏)


So I made things right between them. Also they can't stay mad at each other for long.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Next update will be after 1 or 2 days cause.....cause I'm lazy

Thank you for 1.4k votes

Love ya❤

Also expect a jinkook story soon

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