22 | Trying to figure out

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Jin pov

I just sat at the bed when my phone suddenly ringed. It was jackson.

"Jin, I forget to tell you something. You don't just sit there bored in the house. Go back to your job. It's been 2 months since you went to your job. Start going after tomorrow ok?"
"Ok I'll go"
I talked with him for sometime. I didn't noticed tae was already in the room then. I heard someone closing the door and turned to look finding tae with an angry expression.

"Ok then, I'll call you tomorrow"

"Taehyung must have come right?" How did he understand. " Just call me if there's any problem. Good night"

"Good night" then I ended the call.

I kept my phone in the table and went to kitchen. I don't want to be with tae.
Eomma was taking dinner then.
"Jin come let's eat" she called me
"No eomma, I'm not hungry"
"Are you planning to not eat anything from here for the 3months. Are you angry with us?" She asked me which broke my heart.
"Noo eomma, it's nothing like that. I'm really not hungry. And I want to say something. I'm thinking about going back to work from day after tmrw."
"Its a good thing. You won't be bored anymore in the house. Take care son"
She still calls me son... I hugged her really quick and went to our room.

Tae was in the bed looking through his phone. I went to the bed and took a pillow and my blanket and went to the couch. I took out my phone to check my messages. There were many messages actually, even from kookie asking me if I'm ok...happy to know he still cares for me. I replied him that I'm alright. The  I saw messages from jackson. I opened it.
It was pictures from jennie's wedding. We got all the pictures today and he promised to send me. I saw some of my pics. In most pics, I'm with tae. We looked so happy. But I should be thinking like this. I deleted my pics with tae. I changed my profile pic with tae and then set a picture of me with jackson as my new profile pic.

Jackson messaged me then and we chatted for sometime. Tae was in the bed looking at me. It's my habit to smile whenever I'm chatting with anyone. So as always there was a smile on my face. "Whom are chatting with jin in this late night?" He asked me. I didnt replied and avoided him. I told Jackson good night and continued watching phone. There was so many status pending to see.

Tae then get up from the bed and turn on the light and stood in front of me. "What is your problem. Why are you like this. How long are you gonna be doing this to me" he bombarded me with many questions. I still avoided him. I kept my phone aside and turned to the other side to sleep.

Tae angryily knocked the vase on the table. The sound of the vase broken was heard. I still didn't looked back at him. He then shook his hand. Suddenly I felt something fell on my hand. I placed my hand to check what it was and I was shocked to see it was blood. I quickly turned back to look what happened and saw a cut on tae's hand. Blood was flowing from it. I felt a pain in my chest seeing tae like this. I tried to get up.

"No jin, don't get up. I deserve this. This wound is not even half of how I hurt you " I controlled my self from getting up.

Since no reply was from me, he decided to speak. "I didn't knew my jinnie changed this much...fine" he then went out of our room to the balcony and closed the door.

I waited for him for a while but he didn't came back. I saw drops of blood on the floor and the pieces of the broken vase. I picked up the pieces and cleaned the floor.

I went towards the door to check on him. I slowly opened the door not making any noise. He was smoking. I then turned to go back suddenly he wrapped his hands around my stomach and pulled back.

"Sorry jin. I made a mistake. Please forgive me" I tried to remove his hands from me but he was strong. He hugged me and placed his face on the crook of my neck. I automatically closed my eyes. I felt myself on fire when he did that. I was brought back into reality when I felt his tears on my neck.

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