34 | Happiness is being with you

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Happiness. It's all what I can say now. Everything is fine between us. No worries for the past month. I didn't knew it would be December this fast. My favourite month. I love Christmas. It's the best time of the year.

From that day onwards,  tae always picks me up after work too. We are now inseparable and couldn't be in more love.

Today mrng, tae said he isn't feeling well and didn't want to go to office. I said I'll stay with him here and take care of him. But he didnt agreed. He compelled me to go as if he don't want me there. Finally, I agreed. He said me to take the car but I ran away to the bus stop yelling bye to him.

Work was more than expected, it was 5PM when it was finished. I called tae and informed I'll be late. But he seemed relieved hearing it. Something is wrong with him. He's acting weirdly today. Anyway, I finished work and hurried to home. I have to question him about his behaviour.

I reached the house and opened the door. I was surprised to find balloons filled in the living room. That too my favorite colour pink. I looked around and saw my husband standing with some balloons in his hand in front of the table. He was wearing a suit. Me then moved and I saw a cake kept on the table. He showed me to come to him. I went there and saw 'Happy B'day Love' written on the cake. Wait...its my birthday!!!!! Oh my goodness. How did I forget my own birthday. It's the first time. I really felt happy cause Tae remembered it.. I didnt realised tears were formed in my eyes.

"Don't cry jinnie. Today is not the day to cry" he rubbed those tears away. "Happy Birthday Love" he said and pulled me for a kiss. "Now it's time to cut the cake" he said and gave me the knife. He sang happy birthday for me and took pics. I cut the cake and gave him the first piece. But he took it from my hands and gave me the first bite. I love him so much...

I love cake so much so I ate almost half of the cake. He only ate one piece. He was busy watching me eat. I went to wash my hands and came back to find tae kneeling in front of me with a ring in his finger. "Kim Seokjin, our marriage was never a planned one. It was really unexpected for you and me. But we overcome the difficulties in our marriage and now we couldn't be in more love. You are my life, my everything jinnie. We didnt started our life properly. But I want to correct it. We didn't even kissed on our wedding. So Kim Seokjin, will you make me the happiest person on earth by agreeing to marry me again?" He said with a wink.

"Will this answer your question?" I said and pulled him for a deep kiss. Then we pulled back. "Yes, a hundred times yes if its you". His face lighten up hearing this. "Then get ready, I'll be waiting" he said and dragged me to the room. I saw a suit was already placed on the bed for me to wear. "Wear this and come down" . He said and walked out of the room. I really can't believe this guy. Did he planned all these for me..I can't believe all these. I pinched my hand to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

As he said I quickly got ready and went down. He was calling someone. He kept the phone back when I came. "Ready?" He asked. "Always, if it's with you" he smiled hearing this. "Let's go" he took my hand and we went to the car.

*Author pov*

Taehyung took him to the beach. He booked a portion of the beach to arrange the wedding. Only their close friends and families where there to witness it. Tae had already called them and asked to come. Jin and taehyung said their vows and exchanged the rings. Taehyung bought new rings for them. It was the best night in both of their life.


Thus, taehyung and jin again get married and restarted their life perfectly. They both were so in love that everyone was jealous of their relationship.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now