15 | What's wrong with tae

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𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

I looked into his eyes and he looked at me in the same time. We both lost in each others eyes.....
"Here, it's alright now. You take rest" tae told and went outside. Stupid me. Why did I thought he will kiss me. Omg why am I like this.

After sometime, I went outside. Tae was nowhere to be seen. Finally I went to sit out and saw him sitting there while smoking. Usually he smoke when he is angry or tensed. He told me this once. But now he is not angry. I wonder why...

"Tae.." hearing me, he quickly throw away the cigarette from his hand and stood up.
"Angry or tensed?" I asked him
"Its nothing...i was just..anyway why are you here" he successfully avoided the topic.
"I wanted to take a bath..but what will I do with this foot"
"Ooh no problem, I'll help"
"NOO" I said faster than Usain bolt.
"Oohkk if you insist so"
"I just want you to be in the room. That's all"
"Yeah if that is what you want" he said with a wink.

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗼𝘃

Tae hold Jin's hands and they slowly walked to their room with jin slightly limping. Tae grabbed a towel and went inside the bathroom and put it in there. Jin didn't saw this. When jin went to enter the bathroom he saw tae inside it. "What are you doing here" jin asked with a shock. "Oh sorry, I just came to put the towel" tae told and went out.
"And be careful. Don't wet the wound too much. " "I will" jin smiled and closed the door.

𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

I somehow managed to bath without making the wound much wet. The water was so cold and I felt like shivering. I put on my pajama and went out. Tae was sitting in the bed waiting for me. When I went out he came towards he and carried me on his shoulders and placed me on the bed. "That wasn't necessary. I can walk you know" . "I know but I dont want my husband to walk with that wound" oh romantic boy.

"Show me your foot, I'll dress up the wound".
"No problem, I can manage"
"Just show it. I know what to do" I was left with no option. He placed my foot on his lap. I felt myself on fire when his hand touched my foot. The feeling of having a hot hand in a cold foot. I watched him carefully cleaning and dressing the wound. "Its done" he told and gave a victory smile. "Thaaank youu chuu" I told him cutely. He showed like vomiting. "Yukk I don't want your thanks" he told and flicked my head.

"Aren't you gonna bath?"
"For what, I didnt went to play and got durt on myself like you."
"Ooh..if you don't want, its ok"
"And don't get up from here again without my permission. If you do, I'll break your leg and put you in bed"
"Its alright as long as you care me like this" I smiled at him.

"Stupid boy" he mumbled slowly and walked out. "Did you said something"...
"Nothing dear husband. You sleep now. I'll come later " he closed the door and went out. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


From that day onwards, we became happy couples in front of everyone. We weren't faking anything. The only missing element was love between us which I think I'm starting to love him...
We don't fight like before and he always comes early from work.

"Tae, eomma called before some time"
"What did she said"
"Did you remember she mentioned about jennie's wedding the last time we went there. It's tomorrow and she wants us to be there today" I'm not sure how will he respond. I totally forget about her wedding. I actually promised her to be there before 2 days. I can't believe I forget it. If I didn't went there,I'm sure jennie will kill me. She is the only cousin I have of my age so we're kinda close.
"I'm not sure if i can come. I'll surely be at the wedding but I can't be sure about today. Anyways you can go"
"But...without you "
"Why are you looking for me. You should go if you want" he shouted at me. What is his problem now. Seriously he is behaving like a girl on periods.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now