2 | Breakups

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<Next day>

Jin pov

I woke up today with a severe headache. It maybe cause I cried myself to sleep yesterday. I went inside the bathroom to freshup. I looked myself in the mirror. My eyes looked all puffy and red. I took a bath and went downstairs to the kitchen. I prepared breakfast for him and myself.

I took food in a plate for myself and started eating it. I was busy thinking about the events happening in my life that I didnt noticed tae came down. He took his food and sat in front of me. I didn't spared a look at him. I kept myself busy in the food. After eating I kept my head low and standup and went clean the dishes. After that I went upstairs to my room. From the corner of my eyes, I saw tae looking towards me.

I went inside my room and cried silently in my pillow. Only the pillow knows how much tears I shed by now .


One thing which I demanded namjoon in our relationship was no sex before marriage.I wanted to he pure and virgin for the person I marry. How much I wish to marry namjoon but I can't be sure about what fate is gonna bring to us. If I give him what he wants, what is he get bored of me and eventually leaves. So I believed sex before marriage is like cheating on the person whom you're gonna marry even if we had sex with the same person. We kissed many times but I didnt let that change to sex. Namjoon was completely fine with that. Little did I knew he was cheating on my back.

It was a Christmas eve. I already told namjoon that I'll be spending it with my family cause they asked me to stay with them. But I missed him very much. It was our first Christmas together as a couple so I wanted to spend it with him. I kept chatting with him eventhough i was with my family. They saw how much i missed and finally gave me permission to go to his place. My parents knew about our relation and was perfectly fine with it. I hugged them and went to his apartment.

I pressed the bell many times but he didn't opened the door. So I used the spare key he gave me to enter into the apartment. I entered and saw no one was in the living room. I decided to check his bedroom but suddenly I saw a women's dress lying on the floor. There was also a bag and some ladies shoes. It wasn't his. I walked near his bedroom and heard some voices coming from in side. I knew what it was. He was having sex with someone. He's cheating on me.

I decided to call him. I called him and kept my ear closer to his bedroom.
"Baby, whose disturbing us" I heard that womans voice. "That's no one baby, just one of a creep who keeps asking me to be his boyfriend. Seems like I needs to switch off my phone for now" he did as he told. Jin was now heartbroken.

Author pov

He went outside the apartment and called taehyung, his bestfriend who was with his bf now cause he's the only one who can help him now. Tae reached there fastly and found jin crying sitting near the road. He immediately went near him and made him standup. Jin cried his heart out in tae's shoulder. Tae took him to his apartment.

Jin explained everything what happened. Taehyung was beyond angry at that bastard for hurting his bestfriend. He got ready to go and beat him up but jin stopped him. Jin told he's gonna breakup with namjoon the next day and he don't want someone to get hurt because of him.

Tae hugged him and patted his back. He helped jin to calm down. Jin slept cuddling with taehyung that night.

Without tae, he don't know what would have happened.

After that day, jin kept his word. He ended everything with namjoon. But namjoon doesn't seemed to step back. He always followed jin saying sorry. He wanted jin back. In other words, he became obsessed with jin. But jin didn't fell for him again. He was stayed strong. Tae kept protecting jin from namjoon whenever he came towards them.
After college, they never saw namjoon again.

Jin joined in a company as accountant. Taehyung started training to become the CEO of his company. Yoongi also joined as a music producer in an entertainment company. The other guys where still in college. There was no whereabouts of namjoon.

After 1 yr, jin got a proposal from a rich family. He didn't wanted marriage now but his grandfather was getting old and he told he wanted to see Jin's marriage before dying. Jin fell at his words and agreed to get married. Since he was single, he told his parents he'll marry anyone they choose. Since jin was very handsome, he kept getting many proposals that's how they decided the marriage between jin and park chanyeol.

Jin met chanyeol few times and they both became friends. Jin told him that he had a breakup last yr and he's still not over it. But he promised he didn't loved his ex anymore. Chanyeol was perfect fine with this until the day of their engagement. It was their engagement day when chanyeol's family called and told they don't want to continue the marriage anymore and they didn't wanted their son to marry a slut. Jin was again heartbroken hearing this...

After 6 months, his grandfather started compelling him to get married again. Jin was not at all interested but agreed after the constant request from his parents and grandparents. That's how he got met Lee Jaehwan aka Ken. Ken was a nice guy. Jin told him about everything that happened in his life about his last marriage getting cancelled and all. Ken was also fine with that.

He and ken started going out to know more about each other. They became good friends in short time. So jin believed they can also make a good couples. He was very tensed on their engagement day. He was afraid if ken would leave him too. But he came and jin was more than relieved. They kept meeting and eventually jin started falling in love again.

It was their wedding day... jin was very excited about it. But ken and his family didn't reached on the decided time. They waited but there was no information about them. After some time, they got a call from Ken's parents telling the same thing that chanyeol's parents told. Jin didn't know what to do anymore. He felt numb.

It was then whnn taehyung told he'll marry jin. Jin tired his best to stop this, but taehyung was stubborn saying he wants to marry him. Lastly taehyung wins and that how he's now his husband.


Yo, second part 😊 since I promised yesterday that I'll post the next part.

I decided that since the story will be developing in Jin's pov, you guys should know what happened in his life. That's why I gave the full flashback now.

Hope you liked this part. I wrote it at 1 am. Now let me go and sleep. I didn't read this part so kindly forgive if there's any mistake.


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