5 | After 1 day

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Next day, jin woke up at 10am. He overslept cause he was tired from yesterday. He looked around the room. Taehyung was still not there. We went to the bathroom and freshened up and went downstairs.

Jin pov

"Goodmrng eomma and appa. Sorry I overslept " I greeted taehyung's parents.
"Its alright dear. Taehyung told us you're sleeping. He left for work early today." Taehyung came here? When? I wanted to ask her but I kept quiet.

I take the food from the kitchen and went to dining table. I sat there quietly eating my food. Eomma came and sit opposite me.
"Jinnie dear, why aren't you wearing your wedding ring" Yeah the ring. I don't wear it. Eventhough we are married, we're still not like couples. So why should I wear the ring. I kept it in my drawer safely.  But I can't show them we're not in good terms. I promised him that. "I removed it while bathing forget to put it. I'll wear it once I reached the room." Think I need to wear the ring from now on. After eating I cleaned the dishes. Eventhough we have a maid, I like to do my own works.

I went back to my room and made sure to wear the ring. The ring had 'KTH' carved in it. Taehyung also had a ring which had 'KSJ' craved in it. Appa and eomma gave it to us when they returned cause we didn't had rings exchanged yet.

After that I went downstairs and spend time with them. I took a month leave from work so I don't have anything to do. I cooked lunch today. The maid in this house is really lucky cause me and eomma do help her in most of the chores. I finished cooking and called them to have lunch. Taehyung usually have lunch from office. I asked the driver to give him the lunch. Then we 3 had our lunch. Eomma and appa praised my cooking.

I watched TV for sometime. After what seemed like 1 hr, I got bored and went to the garden. I love the garden here. There are a lot of flowers from Roses to sunflowers to other beautiful shrubs. There is also a table and pair of chairs in the middle. Taehyung and I like to spend our time here talking. Good old days....

I walked through the flowers and laid on the green grass. I loved it here. I closed my eyes. It was very peaceful. After some time, I heard the horn of a car. It was taehyung. He came back from work I guess. He parked the car. He saw me in the garden. He looked at me for a second and walked to the house.

I don't know why but I became happy after seeing him. After what he told to jimin yesterday, I'm seeing him now. I went inside the house and went to our room. But taehyung was not inside the room. I noticed the door to balcony wasn't locked. I went there and opened the door and saw taehyung looking at the garden from there. He was smoking

"Didn't you stopped this yet" I yelled at him.
"What? It doesn't matter you and it's none of your business."
"It is my damn business"
He threw it away and went inside the room completely ignoring me.

<Flash back : During college days>

Jin took the cigarette from taehyung's hand and throw it away.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop this " jin yelled at tae.
"Oops, sorryy. I'll try to stop. But it's too tempting"
"Yeah you smoke as you like. It doesn't matter to me. You anyways don't care for yourself. Then why should I care for you" jin told with a pout.
"Aigoo, my jinnie is angry. I promise I'll reduce it. From now on only 2 times a day"
"What! Normal people says they'll stop from now. But you're saying 2 times a day" he raised his eyebrow at him.
"Hehe, cause I'm not normal and you know me very well I can't change from 1 day" taehyung laughed.
"Whatever, I want you to completely stop it within one month or no cupcakes for you"
Taehyungs loves the cupcakes that jin bake and he'll die for it.
"Noo, I can live without you but not your cupcakes. I promise I'll stop this"
"You better do" jin told with a smirk.

<Present time>

Jin remembered the day he made taehyung promise to quit smoking. Taehyung kept his promise but broke it today. He felt his heart getting heavy.
Tears formed in his eyes. He tried his best to prevent crying. He rubbed the tears away and went inside their room and laid down in the bed. He didnt care to eat dinner. He wasn't hungry. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Taehyung pov

I don't know what I'm doing. I hurting him so much. But it's all for his good. He'll understand it one day.

I was too stressed today. That's why I restarted my habit of smoking. I know jin hates it but I still wanted to take a puff.

After I walked away from yesterday, I went to work. From there I went to the club and drank till i get wasted. I called yoongi and asked him to pick me up. I stayed at his place that day. I reached my house at early mrng 4. I entered the house with the spare key. I slept some time at my room and woke up before jin and went again to work. I can't face him after what I said to jimin..

I know I'm hurting jimin too. He's heartbroken after knowing about me and jin. But he never called me. So I thought it will went off like that. I still love him but...I'll sacrifice it cause jinnie is more important for me.

But I lose my cool when I heard what he told jinnie through the phone. I became angry. I don't know why I shouted at him. I can't believe I said he's disgusting. But he disrespected jin.... I'm in a fix right now. One side there's jin and other side there's jimin.
Maybe I should apologize to jimin one day....

After walking away from balcony, I went downstairs and chatted with my parents. It's been long since I actually talked with them. I missed them. We talked and had our dinner. I went to call jin for dinner too but found him sleeping. So I decided not to disturb him and let him sleep.

Now I'm at my room in my bed scrolling through my phone. Suddenly someone called me. It was an unknown number. I didnt wanted to disturb jin so I went to the balcony.

"Hello" I answered the call. I hear a laugh from the other side.
"I liked your decision Kim Taehyung " I know whose voice is this. That bastard. "Did you take him as your own" he laughed devilishly.
"What the hell do you want. You thought I'll be scared before your fucking warning. Oh dear,then you're completely wrong. Its Kim Taehyung whom you're messing with. Wait till this become calm...I'll see you after this"
"Ooh I'm afraid" he laughed at me. "Anyway I didn't expect you to marry him. I just called to tell you congrats. But remember that you're having my leftover. Anyway congrats bro " I felt my blood boiling.

"You bastard listen here, it was all in the past. Now he's the husband of Kim Taehyung and if you dare to day a word about my husband I won't hesitate to end your life. And about your leftover, I gladly accepts it and don't need your help with it. Just get lost"
With that I hung up the phone and went to bed...

I saw jin sleeping peacefully and went to the other side of the bed. He's really innocent. He always wished to have a happy married life with a loving husband. He's suffering with me now. I can tell it from his eyes. I saw the hurt in his eyes when he saw me smoking earlier. I don't know what I'm doing now is right or not. I can't let jin fall in the hand of that asshole. He's too precious for me. But my decision made jin, jimin and me devastated.

I hope everything gets clear one day....


I hope this part is good. I included taehyung pov too.

Whom do you think might be that person. Do you think taehyung will go back to jimin?

Anyway let me go and sleep now. I have test tmrw.

Bye. Love ya💜

This Jin is gonna be the death of me

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This Jin is gonna be the death of me

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now