31 | Scared

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*Double update*

Jin pov

It's really boring without Tae. I can't wait for him to come back.

Next day I woke and went to office as usual. I took the bus cause I was lazy to take the car. I reached my office and started doing my work.

It was lunch break now and I took my phone out to call Tae. But luck wasn't at my side cause my phone ran out of charge. I immediately connected it to the power bank which I always carry with me. Then I went to have my lunch.

After I had lunch, I came back to my office and turned on my phone which was switched off. I saw 5 missed calls from and many messages from tae. I quickly called him back but he didnt took the call. He might be busy then... I sighed and texted him that phone was out of battery earlier. Then I went back to working.

Work was boring as usual. I returned to the bus stop. While walking to the bus stop, I saw a familiar figure standing on the opposite side on the road leaning to his bike. It was namjoon and he was looking at me with a smirk. I turned my face from him and quickly walked to the stop. I felt my legs shivering and throat getting dry.

I reached the stop and looked at namjoon only to find he is now coming towards the bus stop in his bike. Thank god, at that time, my bus came and I quickly jumped inside it. After sometime, I put my head slightly out of the window to check if namjoon was following and luckily he wasn't.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my phone rang. I took it out and saw tae calling. I felt relieved that it wasn't namjoon.

"Hello tae"
"Jinnie, isn't work over?"
"Yes..Its o..over"
"What happened..your sound doesn't seem okay"
"Its nothing. Actually I'm in the bus now that's why. I can't hear you properly Tae. I'll call after I reach home"
"Okay" then I cut the call. I felt guilty for lying to him...


That night, namjoon called from a different number and I took his call without knowing it was him.

"How long is my darling gonna play this  hide and seek game. Can't you give me a part of the love that you give to your taehyung" I didn't replied anything.

"Not only me, you can call me too sometimes. Let's just talk about our good old days baby"

"What is your problem namjoon? Even if I die, its taehyung. I won't fall in front of your threats. I will be taehyung's husband till the end of my life".

"You may...you being his husband and sleeping with him has no problems with me. Just give me some of your affection too. I want your cooperation in that"

I felt angry at what he said and cut the call. I switched off my phone. I didnt thought about Tae at that time and laid down on the bed.


The next day, I didn't went to work or turned on my phone. I just stayed in the house simply playing and sleeping.
I went to baekhyun hyungs house and used his phone to call eomma and said my phone fell from my hands it's not working. Also I asked her to tell Tae that. I said it without Hyung knowing of course.

It was night and I didnt turned on my phone. I felt sad for doing this to Tae. But I will tell him what happened at once he reached there. I get in the bed and tried to sleep.

I felt someone closing my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw namjoon with a bloody look in his eyes. I bite his hand and he removed his hands. I screamed on the top of my lungs. But he suddenly brought a wet cloth towards my nose and I felt dizzy at once I smelled it. I became unconscious.

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