35 | The End : I'll Always Love You

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*last part guys🥺*

Jin pov

Perfect. That's what my life is now. We celebrated new year together with tae's parents since Christmas was with mine.
Also ever since he came to know I'm pregnant, he became extra protective towards me. He even said about shifting our room to downstairs cause he didnt wanted me to climb the stairs. Also he wakes up every day before me and prepares the bath for me and also prepares breakfast sometimes. He loves me soo much...

In january, when we went for scanning, the doctor told there are little complications for my pregnancy. My body was a little weak to carry the baby. So he suggested me to take leave from work till my delivery and not stress myself cause there are chances of miscarriage. Tae also agreed with it.

But my boss was really mad at me for taking so many leaves. I had look 2 months leave for my marriage and took about a week leave when I found I was pregnant and this, he asked me to either resign or come to work. So finally, I decided to resign. Tae said I can work in his company after giving birth to our baby. So I was glad with the resignation. Also we postponed our honeymoon. We decided to go to a trip after our baby is born.

From that day onwards, I was stuck in home. So tae asked his parents to come and stay with us to not make me bored all alone in the house. And he shifted our room to downstairs as he wanted. Also he comes early from office everyday. In that way, things were going smoothly in our life.


It was February 14th today...the day every lovers waits for 'Valentines Day'. Yaaayy I'm so excited. It's my first valentines day with him. Also we are husbands now.

Tae was already in the bathroom when I woke up. I sat waiting for him. He came out after sometime wearing only a towel around his waist. He looked hot. I was busy drooling over his body that I didn't notice he was standing in front of me. "Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk.  "Yes, any problem?" I snapped back. He took my hand and placed it on his well built abs. I looked at him. His eyes was filled with lust and desire. So is mine. He cupped me cheeks and pulled me for a kiss. He started unbuttoning my pajamas. Morning sex won't be bad right?

We were suddenly interrupted from his phone ringing. He stopped working on my buttons and went to take the call cursing the perosn who called. I just chuckled at this. He was right. The world is filled with cockblockers

"What" he asked uninterestedly to the person. "Oh ok I'll be there" he said and hung up the call.

"Sorry baby. Some important thing came and I need to go. We'll continue this when I return " he kissed my forehead and went to dress up.
Wait. He didnt wished me valentines day. Did he forget it?

I walked towards him and back hugged.  "Tae..do you know what day is today" I asked nuzzling my face in his neck. "Today? Its Monday " he said blankly. Huh did be really forget about this. Our first valentines day!? I didn't wanted any gifts or something. Just a simple wish and hug is enough for me. But he can't even do that. I felt sad and went out of the room.

I went to kitchen and took out some mangoes which I was craving since I woke up. I don't know why but I'm having different cravings each day. One day, I'll want to eat ice cream, next day it will be mangoes or pineapple cakes. It's weird right?

I sat at the couch in the living room and ate my mangoes. After sometime, tae came down. He kissed my cheeks and said bye. Then he left to work. Still he forget to wish me. He didn't even messaged me a wish. Am I overreacting over it? Maybe my hormones..its making me very emotional and sensitive.

I spend the rest of the day sulking and whining about him not wishing me. I had ready bought an interlocking bracelet for him to gift today.

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