30 | Phone calls

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After 2 months

Jin pov

It's been 2 months since he apologized to me. These past days were the best days of my life. I've never thought we both would end up like this. Also there has been no big problems between us these days excluding some small fights about food, TV channels, etc. Also eomma and appa moved to their own home last month. So now we're both alone in this huge house.  The maids are still here but their shift end soon so we both get some quality time alone....(if you know what I mean)

Last week, we went to the beach. It was awesome. It rained when we reached there but it didn't stopped us from playing in the water. We both splashed water at each other and ran around the beach holding hands. Since it was night and raining, no people were there. We really enjoyed our time there.

Everything was going fine until one day tae said he needs to attend the annual business meeting in japan. What's more heartbreaking is that it's for 3 days and I won't be able to see him. He insisted for not going but I said him to go cause it will help his company to get more reputation and finally he agreed. He is leaving today and had finished packing his things.

"I have no idea how I'm gonna spend 3 days without you" he looked sad. "Same tae...I'll miss you" I hugged him. "I'll miss you too baby. I'll call at once I reach there" he said and pulled me for a kiss. I insisted that I'll drop him by the airport but he rejected it saying he'll change his mind if he sees me there. So his assistant will come to pick him.

He said to go and stay in my house these days cause I'll be alone but I wanted to stay here and it's only a matter of 3 days. After a small argument about this, he finally agreed me to stay here. But didn't forget to tell me if I feel afraid or uncomfortable staying alone, either call kookie or go to my house which I agreed.

"Jinnie.." I stopped him from saying anything. I know he's gonna whine saying he doesn't wanna go. "Give me your phone" he gave it to me. I took some selfies alone and with him and took my best picture and kept it as his wallpaper. "Just look at this if you miss me" I gave it back to him. "You're the best jinnie" he pulled me closer to him. I'm now pressed to his chest and he started giving kisses all over my face.

We were interrupted when we heard the sound of a car. It was his assistant. "I'll get going then. Love you baby" he kissed my forehead. "I love you too tae" then I helped him place his luggage in the car and watched will the car went off from my sight. Then I went back to the house.

*Time skip*

I've been waiting for a long time but he still hasn't called. It's around 11 pm now. He told he'll reach there by 10pm. Maybe he will call once he reached the hotel. I laid in my bed waiting for his call. I turned on some music and heard it. I didn't realised I slept while waiting for his call.

I woke up hearing the sound of my phone ringing. I checked the time and it was 2am. I quickly took the call without checking the caller ID cause it will be obviously tae. But I was wrong.

"Hello taehyungie..where were you? I've been waiting for your call for so long" I whined at him.

"Too bad. Poor jinnie" it wasn't tae. I quickly recognized the familiar voice.

"Namjoon" I whispered.

"Ah baby I'm so touched. You still remember my voice" what does he want now.

"What do you want namjoon" I asked him with bold voice.

"Taehyung doesn't loves you. Will anyone forget about their husband if he goes somewhere. He should have called once or twice" I didn't said anything back.

"Aww is my jinnie sad? Poor jinnie. You should have come with me. I'll take care of you"

"Huh come with you? It is better to stand in front of train than come with you. Don't make me say more" I mocked him.

"Huh shut up! Who do you think you are. You gold digger. I know you lured taehyung into marrying you and played the role of innocent one. You're nothing different than me jin"

"Ooh thanks for the information. Are you really that afraid of taehyung to call when he was not here?" I scoffed.

"Haha I liked it. Who do you think is your taehyung for me to be afraid of. You know just a call from me is enough to make him dead meat. No one will know I done that. The world will know it as 'Young businessman dies in a tragic accident' you want me to do that Jin? But I don't want that happen to you in this young age. Afterall I was your 'Boyfriend' for sometime "

I suddenly became alerted hearing that. Will he really do something to taehyung. I cant let that happen.

"Noo, please don't do anything to taehyung. What do you want? Cash? How much? I'll give you anything. Just leave us alone"

"Anything? Huh, I don't want your money and all. I just want your love. Just give some to me too. Better if taehyung doesn't know about it"

"What you mean?"

"Didn't understand? I'll make it clear. Be my mistress"

"What the fuck namjoon. When did you become this low. Don't you have any shame to ask someone else's husband to be your mistress. Don't dare to call me again. Tae will kill you if he knows about this" I shouted into the phone.

"You were also on of my 'use and throw' I decided to leave you alone, but last week... Last week I saw you two running around the beach in the rain. I was watching you without you two knowing. Jin you looked so sexy with that dress sticked on your body. Your body proportions are amazing babe. And those wet bangs sticked on the forehead made you look 10 times more hotter. I lost all my control seeing you like that. I never get to taste you. I want you Jin.."

"STOP IT" I shouted at him

"Be cool babe"

I didn't get time to reply cause my phone again ringed showing Tae calling. His call was on waiting.

"Namjoon just stop this please. Taehyung is calling. I need to go"

"Oh then go and take his call babe. We shouldn't make him doubt us from be beginning right? We need to call like this more times. Till then good night babe. Love you. Take care" I immediately cut his call. 'Love you' my ass.

Tae's call got cut by now. Should I tell him about namjoon...but he'll come back right now and will do something without control. I can't let namjoon hurt him. It's better to not say it now. Then again the phone ringed and showed tae's name.

"Hello baby"
"Haa tae.."
"Were you sleeping?"
"Sorry dear..I got late. The flight was a bit delayed and the hotel was far than expected"
"Mmm its alright"

I'm feeling so nervous that I don't know what to say. I really want to kill namjoon now.
Tae didnt asked me to whom I was talking earlier. He believes me so much or he doesn't want to speak about it now...

"Have you eaten?" I tried to talk.
"Yes, I ate before coming here. Don't starve there saying I'm not there ok?"
"No, I'll eat"
"What happened are you not feeling well or something? Feeling sleepy? You seem down"
"Its nothing. Just a slight headache" well it was true. That namjoon gave me a headache.

"Oh then you can sleep now. Rest for now baby. If you're still not feeling well tmrw, don't go to work and go to hospital with kookie okk"

"I will. Good night tae"
"Good night love"

I throwed the phone into bed when he cut the call. God why are you testing me like this. Why always me. I covered my face with my hands and cried....


So namjoon is back...

Why are some of you guys saying I'm innocent 🥺 I'm not innocent 😭😭
Well, I was. But after installing wattpad, I'm no more innocent😂

*It is an mpreg story btw :)*

Thanks for reading.

Love ya❤

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