19 | First Kiss

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Jin pov

I woke up from my nap around 5pm. I overslept. I washed my face and went downstairs. I felt like having some coffee. I made some not forgetting to make for eomma and appa too. I served them coffee and then took mine and went outside to garden. I'm feeling bored really. While walking through the flowers, I saw Baekhyun hyung coming towards me. He was in the other side of the  fence. ( I don't remember what I wrote in earlier chapter. Whatever, I'm making a fence between their house).

He had some chocolates in his hand. I went towards him. He showed the box towards me. "Here" I proceed to take one. "No no no, the box is full for you. Share with them too". "What happened for suddenly giving chocolates?" I asked out of curiosity and received the box. "Guess what" he told and shyly lowered his head and placed a hand on stomach. "Omg!! You're pregnant" he nodded. "I'm so happy for you.. did you informed others about it"
"Yes, kai is really happy and so are the kids. Do inform taehyung about it too"
"You guys are the best" I'm so happy for them. "And be careful ok. Since you're pregnant don't run and play with the kids like before" . "I will... but don't you guys also want your own happy news like this" he asked me. Suddenly my expression changed to somewhat shy.
"Its time to think about it"
I slightly blushed.

Tae had arrived now. He parked the car and came towards us. I wonder if he heard what hyung told..
"What are you guys discussing" he asked us...
"Jin will tell about it"
"Huh! Me?"
"Umm yes, let me go now orelse the kids will make a mess inside" he then left me with tae and went.

Tae took the coffee from my hand and sipped from it. "Yah its mine". "So? I'm your husband. So no problem"
I just pouted. We then went inside. I went to kitchen to keep the chocolates in fridge and went to our room. Tae was already there.

"What was hyung talking about?"
"Baby no.4 is on the way" I said happily
"Yes..I'm really happy for them"
"Is that all? Didnt he told anything else?" He said with a playful smirk. Omg did he heard that..
"Nothing? Hmm..I heard something like it's time to think about it" he winked at me.
"Is it...I didnt heard anything like that"
"Then I must have felt so....well I'm also thinking about something." He then started walking towards me.
"Wh..what" I started moving back.
"Just thinking about starting some new business" he said and stopped in front of me. Ooh I thought he was gonna do something else. Why am I like this. He then leaned forward. I closed my eyes. But didn't get any contact so i opened my eyes and saw he standing in front of me with a smrik. There was towel in his hand. Then I understood he came forward to take that which was behind me. I really thought he was gonna kiss me. I mentally face palmed.
"You idiot" I slightly punched his stomach. "Let me freshen up. Byeee hubby" he kissed my forehead and ran to the bathroom. This idiot!

I went to look for eomma and appa to tell them the news. They're also close to hyung. As expected they were really happy to know about that. While I was talking with them I heard tae calling me.
I was confused whether I should go or continue talking. Eomma noticed this." Son you can go. He needs you" I nodded and went to our room.

I saw tae sitting on the bed. "What happened tae. I was talking with them"
"Just come here" his voice sounded weak. He pulled towards the bed and made he sit there. He then laid his head on my lap. "Tae are you not well"
"Its nothing, just a slight headache"
"Tae come let's to go hospital"
"Ayy no, it's just a slight headache and no need for going to hospital for that"
I just ruffled my hands through his soft hair. It felt nice. Then my hand slightly touched his forehead and it was burning. I placed my hand again to confirm it. He had fever.
"Tae you have fever" "Hmm"
"Please listen to me. Let's go to hospital"
"No jinnie. We can go only if it doesn't reduce by tomorrow. You shouldn't be near me. Or else you'll also get it. You can sleep in your room today"
"NOOO, I'll stay here. With you"
"Jinnie just hear what I say. It's only for day"
"No taehyung I won't do that. I'll only sleep with you. It's just a fever and I don't care if I got it too"
"Don't jin me. I'll stay here no matter what. If I'm also getting a fever then we can stay together. That's it"
He accepted defeat. "Let me go and prepare some soup for you" I carefully placed his head on a pillow and went to kitchen. I told eomma he got fever and she gave me pills to give him after having food.

I quickly prepared the soup and went to the room.  He was waiting for me.

"Here have this soup. It's a special soup which my eomma prepares for us when we gets fever. Also have these medicines after completing the soup"

I helped him to sit. He then leaned towards the headboard. I sat near him and took the soup in my hand. I took a spoon and brought it to his mouth. "Say aaahh" he smiled and opened his mouth. He insisted he will have it himself but I said I'll do that. Its my pleasure to take care of him. I kept feeding him. "I'm full"he said. "No..only 2 more spoons. Please have it for me" he hesitantly opened his mouth and I quickly gave him the remaining.

After that I brought a towel and cleaned him. Then I gave him the pill along. "Noo I don't want that" he whined.
"Its for reducing the fever. You should have it."
"What if I won't?"
"You will"
I said and took the pill from his hand and put it in my mouth.
"Jin what are you doing. Just spit it out. Don't do unnecessary things"
"I won't have this but you will"
"What?" I just winked at him. He realized what I meant

"No way dear. I won't do that. You can have it if you want" he moved back.
"Tae don't do that. It's so bitter. I'm gonna spit it out" he quickly came closer to me and closed my mouth and laughed. I looked at him pathetically. He removed his hands and I spit it out.

Tae is laughing at me now. I turned to take the water to drink. But he hold my hand and pulled me towards him. He's looking into my eyes. I lowered my head. He brought his finger under my chin and raised my head making me look at him. He then cupped my cheeks and came closer. I closed my eyes. I felt his soft lips on my plump ones. Omg! Finally were kissing. My lips moved in sync with him. It was a kiss filled with passion and our love. Our first kiss. I automatically brought my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. I felt ashamed of my fact. He removed his hands from my cheeks and brought it to my waist. He gripped tightly there. I felt him bit my lower lip. I gasped. He took this chance to bring his tongue inside my cavern. Our tongue fought for dominance but he won. He then squeezed my waist. We both kissed as if our life depends on it and finally pulled back due to lack of oxygen.

I felt shy and couldn't look at his face. I felt a sting in my lower mouth. I touched it and saw it was slightly bleeding. "Ah it hurts" he kept his fingers on my lips. "If anyone asks, tell them is taehyung's gift" I brought my hands go give him a punch. But he suddenly pulled me closer to him and gave a peck on my lips.

"The pain gone now?"
"Tae.." I blushed.
"Now you'll also get the fever jinnie"
"Its your fever so I'm glad with it. Also you won't go to hospital if you have fever but I know you'll go if I have it"
I laughed. He didnt said anything and is just looking at me.

"Don't laugh like this jinnie, it really makes we want to think what hyung told...can I pleasee"

"Tae...don't play. You have fever"
"My fever had already gone"
"Oh really, then stay here" I pushed him into the bed and ran out of the room

Omg!!! We really shared our first kiss.

A hot kiss shared in between fever....


A quick update. I won't get time to update night cause I have to study for revisions. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

They shared the first kiss!!!! Yaayy

Thanks for reading. Love ya❤

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