6 | Outing

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Next day

Jin pov

I woke up at 9 and as usual taehyung was not there. Does he hates me that much to go before I wake up. And why is he behaving like this. I can't understand him at all. He's not the taehyung I knew before. I miss him so much.

I got up and freshed up and went downstairs. After having breakfast I went I came back to my room and watch a drama. Time goes fast and I didn't knew it was afternoon already. Again I went downstairs and had lunch with eomma and appa. After that I went outside to the garden. 

I saw our neighbours from there. Baekhyun hyung and his husband Kai live there. They have 3 children. I'm friends with Baekhyun hyung. I also loves playing with the kids. One is 7 yr old boy 'Yeonjun' and the other 5 yr old twin girls named 'Leya' and 'Liya'. I went towards them.

"Hello jin, long time no see"
"Yeah, it's been long" since my wedding was arranged, I didn't came here often.
"Come inside" I went inside their house.  I saw the kids playing in the living room. I wasted no time and joined them.

"How are you jin. How's things between you and taehyung. I can see from your face that you're not happy"
"Its not ok hyung" he is like a brother to me. I told and lowered my head.
"Aww don't worry dear. Things will be alright. I know taehyung loves you so much. Everything will be fine soon" "yeah let's hope". With that we ended the conversation.

Then the kids asked he to play with them. We went outside to play hide and seek. We played for some time. Yeonjun was counting and I was hiding behind a tree. I saw taehyung's car. I prayed that he didn't see me. But unfortunately he saw he. He parked the car and came out. He sighed looking at me and went inside the house.

I went outside my hiding place. I told the kids I'll come and play next time. I hurried to the house. I entered the house and saw him sitting with parents.
I greeted them. He didnt spared a glance at me. I went to our room. I took my dress and went to take a bath.

When I came back, I saw tae searching something in the closet. He was half naked. Seems like he also just finished bathing. Maybe he showered in another  room. His body was still wet and drops of water was falling from his hair. He looked hot. Omg what am I thinking.

"Where is my blue shirt" he yelled to noone. He then turned back and saw me standing. "Why did you dump all your clothes here. Now I can't find my clothes. " I went towards the closet and searched for his shirt. I remember I kept it in the higher shelf. I lifted my feet to reach there. I put it there using a chair. But the shirt was actually beyond my reached. I somehow managed to take it but I fell back. I closed my eyes preparing to meet the floor. Surprisingly I didn't land on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw taehyung holding me by my waist. He was looking deep into my eyes. I didn't noticed he was standing behind me. I felt like dying under his gaze.

I don't know how long we were standing like that. Suddenly I realised what position we are in. I squirmed to get back from his grip. He fastly removed his grip from me. I stand straight.

"Wanna go out tonight?" he asked surprising me. Is he serious. I thought he hated me. "W..what" I asked.
"If you want to go out get ready before 6.30" he told and taked the shirt from my hand and walked away.

Omg so he really asked me to go outing. It's been long since I went out. I checked the time and it was 6pm now. So it means I have 30min left. I quickly went to get ready.

It was now 6.30. I went downstairs and saw him sitting in the couch. He saw me and standup. I felt like he smiled slightly. Then he walked expecting me to follow him. He went inside the car and I get in the passenger seat. I put the seatbelts and he drove off.

First we went to a restaurant. He ordered my favorite food like he do always. He knows the best. Ha I miss the old times when we will happily come to have dinner here. Now we are just eating and not talking anything. I miss the old him.

After we had dinner, he droved to the beach. Ha what a pleasant night. Beach is a real beauty at night. We went and sat at the bench at the far end...like strangers. I missed the times when we will be sitting here laughing and telling jokes. I just looked at the waves in the beach. He is also doing the doing. Maybe he is also having the same feeling as mine.

Then he saw his office secretary. He went towards her to speak. Suddenly my phone rang. It was from an unknown number. I took the call.


I know him. It was him who was once the love of my life. My first love who broke my heart. Namjoon

"Ah you didn't even forget my sound. Then why did you left me babe. I know you still loves me"

Why is he calling me now. Did he knew about my marriage. And how did he got my number. I took a new sim one month ago.

"Why are you not saying anything..I knew about your marriage. You're still in my heart. I still love you"
"What the hell do you want"
"I want you. Jin I love you so much. Please come back to me. I understood how much I love you when you left me. I will ask taehyung to let you come with me"
"Enough. I don't wanna listen more of your bullshits. Listen here. I'm now taehyung's husband and I won't fall for your cheap drama"

"You're calling this drama. Are you saying those beautiful moments we spend together are also drama. Did you already forget the days we spend at the beach, park, and everywhere. Did you forget our first kiss and how we made out countless times. Your body also belongs to me. But you still left me saying I cheated and married that bastard".

"Mind your words. I don't have time to think about my awful past. Just get lost from my life. Don't ever call me again. Goodbye" with that I cut the call. I switched off my phone cause I'm sure he'll call again. I burst out crying.

Taehyung saw this and came towards me."Why are you crying. Who called you now"
"Are you mad or something to cry over nothing " he yelled at me. And hold my wrist tightly shaking me.
"Taehyung please, this is a public place"
"If you don't want me to yell just tell me what happened "
"Why should I. I know how to look after my things. You told me to not mind your business. Just do the same for me to. And why do you even bother. Who are you to me to tell you all these. I'm like clown in front of everyone. Anyone can play with my feelings. I had enough of all these shits and drama. Just leave me alone" I burst out.

He is looking at me with a blank expression. His grip on my wrist loosened. He freed my hand.

"Sorry it's my mistake " he told and walked to the car.

I cried out all my sadness till my heart lightened and went back to the car


I hope you guys liked this. Sorry for mistakes. Actually I'm not having time to write. My niece and cousin are in my house. They will be staying for a week or above. She's 5 yr old and I'm mostly playing with her.

I'm writing whenever I'm getting some free time. So kindly forgive if its messed up.

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