29 | Dinner date

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After their love making sessions, jin was so sore and spend the rest of the day in bed. Taehyung like the loving husband he is brought breakfast and lunch to Jin in bed. Jin was really happy to see this side of tae. Never in his wildest dreams he thought he will be marrying his bestfriend and have a happy life like this.


𝗝𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗼𝘃

I was really surprised when tae asked me to get ready at 6 cause we're having a dinner date. We actually didn't planned anything for today. So I was surprised when he told me this after lunch. 

Its around 6pm now. I got myself ready with some cool clothes. I don't know where is he taking me cause I didn't bothered to ask that. He just texted me to come down at 6. I didn't saw him for the past hour. He said he'll come at 6. So now I'm going down as be told.

I went down and saw him waiting for me in the living room. He came towards me and took my hands in his. Then he lead me outside the house.

He closed my eyes when we reached the door. He carefully helped me to get out. I felt us walking away from the car parking. 'Is he planning to walk to the place' I thought. But he stopped after a few steps and removed his hands.

I was in complete awe when I saw the garden. It was beautifully decorated with lights and all with a table for two in the centre with candles. Aww this is so cute

(I couldn't find an image for what I had in mind)

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(I couldn't find an image for what I had in mind)

I can't believe he really arranged this for me. I'm so touched... "Come baby" he lead me towards the table. Like the gentleman he is, he mad me sit first and went to sit opposite me.

He is looking lovingly at me. All I can see his love in his eyes and not a bit of lust. As each seconds pass, I'm falling  more and more in love with him. He placed his hands above mine which was placed on the table and intervened our hands together. I felt sparks at his touch.

We were interrupted when we heard the sound of someone clearing throat. I turned to look at who it was and saw my kookie standing there with some food and wine in his hands. "Kookiee!!! why are you here?" I asked him out of confusion. He grinned at me. "I'm at your service today. Enjoy your date my dears". I looked at taehyung I'm sure he arranged all these. "Our kookie was sad for treating you cold earlier and he wanted to see you and apologize" tae said to me. I looked at kookie to confirm. He nodded his head.

"Jin hyung...I'm sorry. I was mad at you for wanting to  divorce Tae. I'm really sorry hyung" he said lowering his head. I stood up and went towards him and hugged him. "Aww don't feel bad baby. Hyung was never angry at you for that. And I had already forgiven you" I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "Thank you Hyung" he finally smiled. "I'll go then, I don't want to disturb in your date lovebirds" he then teased us and ran away. "Aish this kid!" I sighed and went back to my seat.

Tae was still looking at me not taking his eyes off. I feel like melting under his look. "Let's eat tae" I said and started eating. I heard him slightly laughing then he proceed to eat his. But to my surprise, he gave his first bite to me. I gladly opened my mouth and accepted it. In the end we fed each other our food.

Now it was time for the wine. He opened the bottle and poured some to mine. Actually I'm not that much into drinking alchohol. So he gave me only some. "Cheers" we said together and drank. Now, we successfully completed our dinner. I looked at him to know whether we can go back to our room or not. "Jinnie, let's walk for sometime" he took my hand and walked around the large garden.

"Actually I wanted to apologize" "For what?" I asked. "For hurting you, for keeping secrets from you, for marrying you without your consent, for shouting at you, for all my wrong doings to you"

"Tae...I had already forgot all those. I know you never meant to hurt me anytime. Tae I know you since forever and I know you didn't meant that. I know you didn't meant to slap and shout at me, but all those happened and we can do anything about that. But you're sorry for that and that's enough. If you still want my forgiveness, then i forgive you. And tae, dont feel sorry for marrying me without my consent cause if you haven't done that then, we would not be this happy now. I'm really thankful to you for marrying me then. I love you so much taehyungie" I went towards him and wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned forward for a kiss which he gladly accepted. It was a sweet and passionate kiss with no tongue involved. Just our love.

We pulled back "Thank you so much jinnie. I love you too" he then came forward and stole a kiss. He then carried me bridal style and went to our room. He gently placed me on the bed and showered me with kisses.  "Make love to me tae" I whispered in his ears. "Are you sure baby. I don't want you to get sore again cause you have work tomorrow" Oh shit! I need to go back to work from tomorrow. 

"I don't care. I need you Tae. Right now" he didn't wasted any time in tearing our clothes away and diving into me.....


I woke up the next day watching taehyung sleeping next to me. We were still naked from our yesterday night. I felt shy thinking about that. "Why are your ears red baby" I heard his deep husky mrng voice. "Its nothing " I tried to change the topic. "Let me go and bath. I need to get ready for work. You too" "Ok boss" he said and tried to get up. Thankfully today I didn't felt much sore because Tae had applied some oilment yesterday to reduce pain. Thank God it worked.

As expected, he followed me into the shower. "No touching now. I have to go to work" "I promise I won't touch you. Just let's take a shower together" he said and dragged me under the shower.

The cold water send shivers down my body. Tae took the body wash  and applied it over my body and started rubbing it all over with his hands. It felt nice. Then I felt his hand invading my holes. "What are you doing tae. I said n.." he cut me off. "Shh, let me clean everywhere" he said and continued scissoring inside my holes and he started rubbing all over its walls. I moaned at the feeling. "Tae I'm close.." I said and came. Then I took tae's member in my mouth and did the same to him and took all his cum in my mouth.

After showering, we went out and get ready to go to work. As usual, tae dropped me to my office and in the evening I took the bus to come back home.

I feel really happy and content with my life. I have the love of my life by my side and the perfect life anyone could wish for. I can't wait to see what the future brings in our lives....


God! Why am I always writing shower sex😂
Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.
I just noticed I've been getting more liked recently. I don't know what happened. Anyway thanks to everyone for the likes❤

Some drama won't hurt right cause they  both are now going smoothly😌 where is the fun if everything is okay and cool right?

Thanks for reading

Love ya❤

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