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Next day

Jin pov

I woke up at 9. It was sunday today. My mother asked us to visit her today and taehyung had agreed. Appa will be also at house today. So we'll be going there after sometime. I went to bathroom to freshen up. After that, I went downstairs to have breakfast.

I saw taehyung and his parents talking about something. He was talking very happily with them. I remembered I have to act in front of them as if we are comfortable with each other. I greeted them and joined them. Taehyung didn't even spared a glance at me. I felt guilty. After sometime we went together to have breakfast.

I was sitting beside taehyung and eomma and appa sat opposite us. He was constantly talking to them. He continued in avoiding me. I felt so bad about myself. I only ate half of the food but I get up.
"Aren't you eating full son?" Appa asked me.
"No appa, I'm already full" I told and went upstairs.

I went inside the room. I took an outfit to get ready to go to my house. He had messaged me to get ready before 11am. I choose an outfit for him too and kept it on the bed for him to take when he come back. I went inside the bathroom to get changed. I got dressed and came back and saw him taking another outfit from the closet. He didn't take the one I kept for him..I felt sad but I deserved it.

Then he went outside the room. Maybe to get changed in the next room. Suddenly my phone rang. It was namjoon. The same number which he called yesterday.  I cut the call. But he called again. I again hung it. But doesn't seem to stop. I know he'll keep calling till I take the call so I finally decided to take the call.

"Babe, why are you cutting my calls. What have I done for you to act like this " how can he say this after what he did to me.
"You haven't done anything? Are you sure? Why are you still calling me. Can't you give me atleast a little peace"
"Babe, please hear what I have to say. I want to see you, at the beach where we usually meet and don't tell taehyung about this."
"Don't you have a shame on yourself. I'm taehyung's husband now and you want me to come to you without he knowing. Listen, I'm not one of your sluts. And I'll never come back to you even if I die. If you dare to call me again, the consequences will be high"
I told and hung up the call and throw the phone in the bed. I hid my face in my hands.

Taehyung opened the door and came inside.

"Taehyungiee" I ran to him and hugged him. I lost all my control and started crying in his arms. He hugged me back with one hand and used the other to lock the door.

"What happened jinnie, why are you crying" he asked me softly rubbing my back to calm me down. He's calling me jinnie after a long time. I missed this. I sobbed harder hearing that.

"Its him..namjoon"
Suddenly his face became red with anger.
"What did he said to you" he almost yell asked.
"H..he wants to meet me" he said in a low voice.
"Was be the one who called you yesterday " now he was fully yelling at me. I didn't replied anything and lowered my head.
"Tell me is he the one who called you yesterday "
"He won't call you anymore. Ok?" I nodded. He took my phone and went to the balcony and closed the door.

It's been some time since he went and he still hasn't returned. I can hear him getting angry and yelling at someone in the phone. Might be namjoon. What are they talking to take this long. I sat on the bed waiting for him.

After half an hour, he came back and sat beside me.

"Jinniee.."I looked at his face.
"You're my best friend and you can tell anything to me"
"Don't ask me anything now. I know what you wanna know. But now isn't the time. You'll know it all soon. Now what you need to know is just believe me. And one more thing. Don't try to be perfect husband it doesn't suit you" he told and started laughing.
"Yash, I'm offended. I wasn't trying to be your husband. I just wanted to take the shirt for you as an apology" then we both started laughing..

"Taehyungie,  I want to ask you something"
"What is it"
"Why did you leave jimin...that poor guy loved you so much. He was so innocent"
"Yeah, he is innocent and all. Even if I leave him, he'll get good guys. These sadness will be gone soon. Now I have done what I felt like right. Please don't ask me anymore.. "

"Can we atleast go to your house now. We are already late mister" he teased me.

"Go away you fool" I shooed him away.

I'm atleast happy that things are now comfortable between us. Now we no longer need to act if things between us were fine. We have changed into the old 'jinnie' and 'taetae'.  I'm really happy to have my bestfriend back.


Hello guys... hope you liked this part. Now things between taehyung and jin is almost becoming alright. Can't wait to see what will happen with jimin and taehyung.  Also yoongi and hobi also need an entry right?

I've been updating the last 3 days continuously cause I want to complete the story this month. I have exams in november. So I'm taking a break in October for studying.

And I know it's late but



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The best leader.

I'm happy that the world atleast have namjoon.

𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝🥀  ( 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now