12 | Outburst

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Next day Sandeul took jin to show the company where he works now. They wandered around the streets, went to mall, ate many foods. It's been long since jin has been this happy. He felt carefree and young. They went to watch a movie and finally went to a club. He is not a good drinker so he only had 2 shots. Sandeul on the other hand had about 6 shots.

After that they both went back to his apartment. Their cab reached the place and jin went out only to get surprised. He saw an angry taehyung standing leaning against his car glaring at jin.  He went towards tae.

"Done going to see your cousin?"
Jin was met with a hard slap on his face. "So you're wandering here beating the tension out of us" he took my hand and brought me inside the car and buckled the seat belt.
Then he went towards a shocked Sandeul.  "Can you please bring his belongings" taehyung asked and Sandeul went inside to take Jin's things.
He quickly went inside and brought Jin's things to taehyung. Taehyung kept it in the backseat of the car and drove the car to his house.

Jin pov

Did he really slapped me. It's the first time in my life someone slapped me. Even my parents doesn't even hurt me a bit. Not even my little brother. But taehyung....

He didnt even let me to say bye to Sandeul. He drove away the car really fastly. I was getting scared. "Can you please slow down a bit" I asked him.
He didnt replied and just increased the speed. I didnt spoke anything after that.

How did he find me here. And will he kill me when we reach home. What will I say to eomma and appa. I just closed eyes and prayed for my life.

Since he was driving so fastly, we reached home in 45min. He stopped the car and asked me to get out. I went out and hesitantly walked inside the house while he went to park the car. I was afraid what will I say to his parents.
Suddenly he came and hold my wrist and dragged me to our room. I didnt saw eomma or appa and the house seemed silent as if they were not here.

Once we reached the room, he throw me into the bed and locked the door.
He then slowly started coming towards me. I was starting to get afraid. What is he gonna do to me. The more he walks forwards I crawled back till I hit the headboard of the bed.

He reached the bed and pulled me towards him. He took my hands in his and tightened his hold.
"Didn't you asked me who am I to you. Here see this. I'm the one who put it in your hand and I'm your fucking husband" he told showing my hand with the wedding ring in front of my face. "So I have the right to know where you went and whatever you do. Only I have the right to touch you like this" he kept his other hand in my belly and gripped hardly. "

I used all my strength to remove his hands from my stomach. "Tae move. You can't do this. You can't force yourself into me ".

"Why should I, I'm your husband I have all the right to do this. And anyway we're gonna divorce soon so why not divorce after doing this" he again brought his hand towards  my body. I slapped his face.

"When did you become this cheap taehyung. You're using my weakness to get me. You're not like this. I hate this"
"Yes I'm cheap. You made me like this jin. But I'm not that bastard as your namjoon guy. You've checked my phone right. Why not checked my gallery too. You might have seen enough pictures of yours with him" he throwed his phone at me.

I took his phone with shaking hands and opened the gallery. I was really shocked to find the pictures in it. It was mostly pics of me and namjoon kissing. There was even videos of us making out. That bastard had secretly shooted this. I really wanna kill that motherfucker now. But how did taehyung got this pictures. I can't help but cry seeing all these.

"You're thinking how I got these right. He send me those. He even send those guys who you were decided to get married. He was the one who cancelled all your weddings. He send these pics to that chanyeol's parents after your engagement. That's why they cancelled it. When I knew they cancelled it I went to chanyeol and beat him up for doing this and he told me that bastard send them those. I went and warned namjoon once.but he never heard. Then again I made sure he won't try anything to cancel your marriage with ken. But he did that too.thats why I decided to marry you."

I was hearing everything what tae told me now. I can't say anything. He continued.

"You know why he's doing this? He's angry at you cause you slapped him in the road that day while you breakup with him. He's trying to take revenge and make you suffer. I know even if any other understanding guy came into your life, namjoon will keep sending these to him, deep down his heart it will stay forever even if he doesn't shows it. I dont want that happen to you jin. You're the most important person in my life. You always asks my why I destroyed 3 persons life. Just know that even if I'm gone jimin will get a better guy. And you're my bestfriend. I can't leave you for anything. I can't see you getting sad. All I wished was your happiness even if it meant sacrificing mine. All I wanted to see is that smile on your face. I know you never wanted to marry me but if I didnt had done that, you might have never got married.."

I was a crying mess by now. I hugged taehyung tightly.  "Why tae, why did you do this all for me. I'm just your friend. You sacrificed your life for me"

"Its nothing jin. As I told you're the most important person in my life. Only you were with me from the beginning till the end. You're with me through happiness and sadness. You're the only person who was with me through my hard times. So when you're facing a hard time it's my responsibility to help you and I'm glad to help you my jinnie. And dont worry about that bastard anymore. I've given him what he deserves and we won't be bothering you anymore." He told and kissed my forehead.

"So minho..?"
"He was the one who left me for money. Now when I built my company and had money, he came back like the gold digger he is and I'm not a fool enough to let him back to my life. And he told you he's gonna come here soon.let him come.  Let's see what he's gonna do" he slightly chuckled. I just kept silent. I dont know what to say.

"But still my jinnie, you could have just thought once more before running away. You thought I'm stupid enough to let him back to my life, huh?" "I'm sorry " I said silently. "Its alright" he patted my head. I didnt realised that I was leaning myself to him now. He's sitting beside me too closely.

"So now you know everything, when do you want divorce. I will convince our parents about it" I felt a pang in my heart when he mentioned about divorce. "Umm divorce.." yeah it's better. I must go away from his life so he can be happy with jimin. "Yeah.. why jin?" "Yeah, but can i ask you one thing"
"Yup" . "Promise me you'll marry jimin after we divorce" he just smiled and didn't answered anything. "Tell me" I asked. "We'll think about it" he smiled.

"Its late. Go to sleep" he told and laid at his place which was at the further end. I laid at my place and closed my eyes to sleep.


So now tae told the reason for marrying jin. Umm the story is almost reaching its half.

Hope you guys liked this part.


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