23 | Love you

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Jin pov

Next day, I woke up early cause I'm going to work. Tae and me almost woke up at the same time. Actually I woke with the sound of his alarm ringing. It's strange that I didnt heard it the days before. Maybe I was too engaged in sleeping to hear the surroundings..

I then quickly went inside the bathroom and freshen up. I came out and find him looking at me with an amazed expression. I just remembered I never mentioned to him about going to work. Luckily he went inside the bathroom without asking anything. I  quickly got ready and went downstairs. 

I helped eomma bring the food and all to the table. After everything was set, tae came down fully dressed to go to work. We all sat down to eat. To my luck eomma brought the topic of me going to work. She might have noticed the tension between us.

"So, jin is going to work from today" she looked at tae and said. Eventhough he heard it clearly, he just sat as if he heard nothing.
"When will work be finished jin? Tae will come to pick you" it was appa.
"No appa. I'll take the bus" even though there's car here, I decided to go by bus because i like it and i don't need to drive. You know, I'm very lazy.
"Are you familiar with the places here?"
"Yes, I used to come here before. So I know. Also I don't want to bother him" I said and looked at me. He looked back. I turned my head from him.

We ate the food and I was now ready to go. I told eomma and appa bye and went out the house.

"Stop..I'll drop you" it was tae.
"No need, jackson will come to pick me"
When he heard that, his face became angry. He quickly get inside his car and slammed the door shut and drove off.

I just said what came in my mind. Jackson wasn't coming actually. I hummed a song and walked to the bus stop. After walking for about 10 min, I reached there.

What a coincidence! I saw jimin there. He saw me and turned his head. I think it's the perfect time to say about our divorce. So I tried to initiate a conversation with him eventhough I'm bad at approaching first.

"Jimin, are you still angry at me?"
"Umm no, I'm not angry with anyone. Wait why are you here in the bus stop. Sending his husband to bus stop is very low of Mr.CEO"
He made fun of me.

"I was already using bus and all before becoming his husband. And I don't feel low about it. I actually wants to talk about something to you"


"Me and tae will get divorce soon. Within a maximum of 3 months. We'll be together only until then. Sorry I was late to know the things which happened between you two. It was all my mistake. Tae married me to save me from another heartbreak. And I'm ready to leave forever from his life for you"

"For what? I don't want any life with him anymore. Yes it's true I've slept with him before. But he just treated like a whore after that. I don't feel guilty about what happened before. Now I've got someone lot better than him and I'm satisfied. Please just leave me alone with my life" he said and walked away.

Wait what! So their relationship was that's all for him! Wth. Here I thought he'll be heartbroken or something. But he's just cool about it... poor tae. How much problem I caused because of this jimin. We're even gonna get divorce. I messed up badly. I hope things will be back like before. I want my tae back...

I didn't wasted more time thinking about all these. I get inside the next bus and went to work.

Work is really tiring. Especially when you do it after taking a looong break. I feel mad doing all these accounting and all. As much a love accounting but now I want to throw it away.


So my first day is finished. I'm really tired now. I went to the bus stop in front of the office and waited. Suddenly a car stopped right in front of me. The glass was lowered and I saw Jackson. He motioned me to get inside and I did.

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