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"Stanley?" A voice calls from my hallway. "Are you in the shower?!" "Yeah!" The doorknob jiggles until the door opens. "You know I hate when you do that." I peek from the door.

"Yes, I know. Now did you get the part?" "Yes." Beverly smiles brightly as she sits on the toilet.

(It's closed just so you know.)

"I was assigned as the makeup artist and the costume designer." "Yeah...who's the director?" She scrolls on her phone, handing me a towel.

The door of the shower being glass, she doesn't care she simply just doesn't look.

I wrap the towel around my waist, pushing the wet curls off of my forehead. "Uhhh...Bill Denbrough...he directed a couple of movies last year." I nod, brushing my hair back.


Eddie (new manager)

E: Does Richie usually try to kiss people after first meeting them?
S: oh shit. Sorry, I forgot to tell you he flirts with everyone.
E: it's fine. He's not a bad kisser
S: yeah...sadly I know.
E: you kissed him?!
S: for a roll yes. Then he asked me out and we dated secretly for a year.
E: wow. Well, he's drinking now
S: yeah I would keep eyes on him.
E: good to know. I'll see you in a bit.

I chuckle at my phone. "You've met your new manager? I see Richie did too." I giggle, starting to fix my hair. My curls dry as I sit on my bed.

"Yeah. He seems nice. First-person I've met that can actually control Richie besides me." "That's a first." We both chuckle as I pull my clothes on.

"Richie leave me alone...your breath stinks, it smells like alcohol No more kisses." His voice becomes muffled. "Let me go, you weirdo. I said no more." "Why not?!" Richie's voice drags out, Beverly's eyes widen.

"Because they're somewhere in the house, they'll hear your loudmouth." "But you like my loud mouth." "Oh hush."

Beverly giggles, making the two go completely silent. "We're in my room." The two walk-ins, Eddie let's go of his hand. Hickeys on Eddie's neck. Richie glasses askew and their hair messy.

"You only told me you two kissed! Richie what did you do?!" "The usual." He shrugs drunkenly as he lays down. "The usual is?" "Kissing, hickeys, leaving them behind afterward." "You dick." Eddie sighs, Richie shrugs slightly.

"Here." Beverly applies makeup to his neck. "Thanks...I'm Eddie." He whispers. "Beverly." She smiles.

"Shit, come on Stanley we gotta be with the director in ten minutes."

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now