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—Saturday Morning

----Bill's POV

Waking up feeling a little better. Looking behind me, Stanley lays on the other side of the bed. Facing the wall.

I turn over gently, listening to his soft breathing I scoot closer. His back rests against my chest. He arches his back the tiniest bit as my arms go around his hips.

Pure bliss goes through my veins.

I lay there for about an hour until falling asleep too.

Slowly my eyes flutter open. His small hand cups my cheek, his right thumb caressing my cheek. "Morning." He whispers.

My arms tightly around his waist, his torso slightly pulled away. Our hips in contact.


"Shit," I mumble pushing him away gently.

"Uh...l-let's go get breakfast...or to eat or something." He giggles following me to the kitchen. "Do you feel any better?" "S-Slightly."

I look in the fridge, cold fingertips wrap around my waist. "Should we get something ordered here?" He suggests.

"I ordered. It'll be here in a couple of minutes." I nod and lay on the couch flat on my back. "You're very lazy." "And very sick." I chuckle.

He lays over top of me, his head on my chest. I go to say something but nothing comes out.

He starts to hum a song. My hands trail up and down his back soon wrapping around it.

A knock at the door fills the comfortable silence. "Finally." He groans standing up, I follow behind him. "Here you go..." I rest my arm around Stanley's shoulder.

"Thanks." He smiles closing the door quickly. "Weirdo." He chuckles softly.

—ten minutes later

—Eddie (manager wants to FaceTime)

S: hi Eddie

E: what the fuck did you guys do this time?

S: we're eating. We'll be at set in a bit

E: not that...Richie, please move

I look at Stanley with wide eyes.

S: then what?

E: let me send it to you

He sighs before hanging up.

"Fuck." He mumbles. "What i-is it?" Handing me his phone there's a headline.

'Victor Criss, a normal food delivery man has proof big-time actor Stanley Uris and director Bill Denbrough are dating. Victor says "I was delivering food to their house. And when I opened it they were both shirtless, hair a mess and most likely just woke up. And then Bill came up behind him and put his arm around him." Is the two dating? Who knows.'

"I still can't believe you told them we hooked up." His voice flat as he begins to eat again. "I p-promise you. I d-didn't say that. I'm n-not that idiotic." I glare at him.

"Well someone said something." He mumbles.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now