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"Watch out Tozier, and leave my cousin alone got it?" His voice comes out aggressive. I tighten my grip on Bill's hand. I had not let go of this entire time.

"Ight. Bye now." The blond one releases Richie's shirt. Making his way to Connor and putting his arm over his shoulder.

"Weird ass family if you ask me," Richie mumbles rolling his brown eyes.

"That w-was scary." "Aw, man. I gave him my last piece of gum." Richie groans, his shoulders becoming heavy.

"That's what he's worried about?" I chuckle silently, loosening the grip on Bill's hand. "We gotta get back. Ten minutes." Dragging his hand through his hair, Eddie throws his trash away.

—Friday evening

"Good job everyone. S-See everyone t-tomorrow." Bill grins at everyone. "I'm bored. Let's invite everyone over." I sigh, pulling his hand.

"Well let me g-get all of my stuff and maybe we can do t-that." His eyes are droopy, most likely from not sleeping well.

"Are you okay? You seem tired." "I might be sick...not sure. Maybe a c-cold?" I notice the redness on his nose.

"I think you should go home. Get to sleep early." His lips come together tightly. "I'll be b-bored." "Whatever. Come on. Let's get you home." Shrugging he follows me to the car.

"Lay down please." "I don't wanna...why don't w-we hang out. Take care of m-me or something." He groans, holding onto my fingers.

"You have everything you need. I'm sure you'll be okay. Try to get to sleep." He sneezes. "Fine." He groans rolling over. "G'Night." He moans before basically melting into his covers.

"Night," I whisper, closing his door softly.

"Is Bill okay?" "Yeah, he's just sick. Why?" Mike starts to read the text from his phone.


B: Hi

M: hey

B: Stanley won't let me come over

M: I'm sure there's a reason

B: he's not being nice

M: are you okay

B: yes and no

M: do you need any type of help? 😂

*10 minutes later*

B: sorry I fell asleep

I decide to FaceTime him, making my way into the other room.

S: Bill? Are you okay?

B: noooo
He groans

S: well. What's wrong

B: I'm cold.
His words coming out slow and congested

S: cover up. Go to sleep or something

B: I don't wanna sleep. I wanna hang out with you guys.

He props his phone up on a pillow beside him, his bare chest shows from the blanket.

S: cover completely up, you'll become warmer.
I lightly chuckle.

B: I'm too tired...I wanna-

His breathing becomes steady as he falls asleep, his face becomes very peaceful.

S: well. Goodnight I guess.

I go to hang up, something tells me not to.

Propping my phone up I continue to work on my computer. His soft breathing keeping me calm.

"Stan?" "Yeah?" "Are you okay? Everyone kind of got worried." Ben slowly makes his way into the room.

"I'm fine...just on FaceTime with Bill. He fell asleep." I smile pulling my glasses off of the bridge of my nose.

"We can all leave if you want." "No, it's fine. I'll probably come back in there later." Ben nods before softly closing the door.

I focus on Bill's breathing. His slow and gentle breathing.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now