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Thursday Morning/next day

I wake up in Bill's arms once again. I lay against his bare chest.

"Bill? Are you awake?" "I a-am now." He chuckles removing his hands from my back, rubbing his eyes gently.

"Oh. Sorry." I stand up slowly finding Richie and Eddie snuggling, asleep.

"They should get together." I nod gently as his hand rests on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna shower." He nods walking away.

"Are you cooking?" I giggle making my way into the kitchen. "Yeah...I'm a man o-of many talents." He chuckles. I stand behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I'm very touch-deprived of you can't tell." I smile gently before letting go. "It's fine..." he sighs gently, turning the stove off.

"Richie let go of me you bitch." "No...cuddle with me." Richie's morning voice is very loud.

"No. Bill is making breakfast." Eddie's small footsteps making his way through the hallway.

"He's a bitch in the morning apparently." "Welcome to my world." I chuckle. "He tried putting hickeys on me." "To show others that your mine Eds." Richie wraps his arms around the boy's torso, kissing his neck gently.

"I'm not yours Richie. That's the problem." He groans pushing the half-naked boy away.

"Whatever." Richie rolls his eyes walking back to the bedroom, closing the door closed harshly.

"He gets like that when he doesn't get his way." Eddie nods before grabbing a plate of food, two plates actually.

"Richie open the fucking door I have food." Richie cracks it, grabbing the plate and slamming the door.

"My phone too." Richie throws it. Bill catches it quickly.

"Fuck you then." Eddie rolls his eyes thanking Bill. "Stop being a dick, Richie." I chuckle, he opens the door glaring at me, pulling a t-shirt over his head.

"I'm not being a fucking dick." He points at me, soon putting his hand around my neck, my back hits the wall harshly. I wince.

"Richie let go." I struggle to say. "No." His face full of anger.

A tear slips down my cheek as I look at the three, Eddies face full of fear and shock. "Richie, let him go."

A larger hand grips his shoulder. "Let him go, and fuck off." He looks Bill up and down before letting go and rolling his eyes.

"Fuck." I take a breath, Bill catches me from almost falling to my knees. "Are you okay?" "Yeah..." I whisper as he sits me down on the couch.

"Where the fuck are you going?" "Leaving. Fuck you guys." Eddies face twist with a bit of hurt and anger. Eddie rolls his eyes, slamming the bathroom door shut.

"They argue l-like a married couple." "No time for jokes Bill." I laugh a little too loudly, my hand goes over my mouth.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now