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We disconnect slowly. "I'm s-sorry. I'm n-not sure w-why I did t-that." He whispers gently. His green eyes meeting my brown ones.

He turns to walk away. I grab him quickly, kissing him once more. Longer than the first time. His hands around my lower back. Mine around the back of his neck. Our lips move in sync.

"Fucking hell stan. Get you some." "Shut the fuck up Richie." Eddie furrows his brows at the boy. "Fuck off Richie."

I go back to icing the cake. Bill helps. The thought of the kiss leaves my mind. "Richie it's done." Richie runs through the house, bumping into walls.

"Gimme." We cur him a slice.

*later that night*
"You know you shouldn't be drinking." "W-Why not?" He chuckles slowly. "Because it's two in the morning and we have to shoot tomorrow." He groans before putting the bottle down. "Your n-no fun S-S-Stan." "I can be. But it's my job we're talking about here."

He shrugs, pulling a passed out Eddie off of him.

Of course everyone fell asleep. Eddie underneath Bills arm. The whole time Richie trying to get him to lean onto his side.

"But Eds I'm more comfy." "No you're not. Stop trying it isn't gonna work." Richie frowns before crossing his arms and staying almost completely silent the whole night. Which worried Eddie and I.

"Just lay him against Richie. He'll be happy that Eddie finally 'gave in' to cuddle with him." Bill does what I said. Throwing a blanket over the two.

"I have an extra bedroom. Richie usually stays there by you can use it tonight." He nods before pulling his shirt off mid walk. "Night." "N-night." His words slur as I hear his groan. He flops onto the bed.

I stand there for a couple seconds, realizing he's asleep.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now