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Bill's heart rate increases as Stanley chuckles.

"What are w-we doing exactly?" The two stop immediately. Well, Stanley stops which startles Bill. "Why so many questions?" His arms go around the back of Stanley's neck.

An instinct pops in for him to put his hands on Stanley's waist, so he does.

"I w-would wanna know what we're doing i-if that's okay with you." He chuckles which makes the space in between their faces become smaller.

Stanley's hand travels to his cheek. "We're swimming dummy." He giggles pulling away, grabbing Bill's hand.

"What the fuck?" Bill whispers.

"Richie they aren't fucking, there most likely in the pool." Which the two are.

Stanley lays on his stomach on afloat. Bill holds onto his hands, admiring the sleeping boy.

"Bill? Do you know what time it is?" "Nope, do you?" "Three in the morning man... why are you swimming this late at night?" "Why are you coming back th-this late?"

"Shut up...get out. You're gonna be hungover very badly tomorrow." Eddie looks away, laying the cheesecake on a table. "How long have to been staring at him like that?" Bill shrugs.

"S-Stanley? We gotta get out...o-okay?" He nods, latching onto the boy.

"Go take a shower Stan...you'll feel better." "Eddie noooo." He groans before walking into the bathroom. Coming out later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Lay down please." "No, you lay down. Richard." Richie furrows his brows and pursed his lips at his name, only used to being called Richie.

"Stanley I don't wanna fight you right now. Do you want cheesecake?" He nods his head quickly.

Bill comes in the room shortly, laying beside him. "Here...you two are literally children." "Says the one who orders a children's plate." Eddie chuckles.

The two share the cheesecake, soon pulling each other close and falling asleep.

"I'm surprised they aren't together." "Me either...Richie?" "Shhh. They'll hear us." He hovers over the top of the boy.

"We aren't going that far." "Whatever just kiss me Eds." He laughs.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now