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—Thursday 5:08 am

"Hello?" Someone mumbles tiredly. "Hey...what are you doing here?" "What the fuck are you doing?" I open my eyes to see a mad Will and a very tried Stanley.

"W-What?" I rub my eye gently. "What time is it?" "That doesn't fucking matter right now."

"Babe...what's wrong?" "I don't know. It's should be obvious." He points at us. I realize I'm still cuddling with Stanley.

"Baby. I-It's not like that. You k-know that." I sit up, moving so the doctor can take Stanley's IV out. He squeezes my hand slightly.

Once the nurse leaves Will begins to argue with me. "Then what's happening? You know what? I don't even wanna know." I pull him into the hallway quickly.

"Please let's talk a-about this later. Okay?" He rolls his eyes before walking away.

Not even a half-hour later I get a call.


W: I wanna talk about this now

B: Then let's talk.
I step out of the hospital shower with a towel around my waist.

W: Are you doing something with him behind my back?

B: No. D-Do you really think
I would?

W: Maybe. I honestly don't know anymore.

B: you're the one that's been fucking
d-distant Will.

W: why didn't you tell me?

B: B-Because I knew we would argue. You've called me f-fucking clingy when you didn't wanna do anything with me.

W: You know there's six other people that could've been with him right?

B: What t-the fuck? He's my friend.  He could've fucking died, Will!
I begin to raise my voice.

W: And I'm your boyfriend. We can change that really quickly if that's what you want.

B: Fine then. D-Do it.

W: fine. Fuck you.

He hangs up quickly. Once pulling all of my clothes on. Stanley's eyes flutter open. He had fallen asleep after Will left.

"You okay?" "Y-Yeah...why?" "I heard you yell..." he looks at me softly. "Oh sorry...j-just an argument with W-Will." I chuckle slightly, scratching my arm.

"Hey...I've got your clothes." Eddie enters the room smiling.

"Thank god. I love wearing pajamas but not for this long." He giggles grabbing onto my forearm.

"Shit." He giggles loudly as his knee gives out underneath him.

"Why are you giggling?" I chuckle letting go of him. "If I would've fallen, you would've fallen with me." He chuckles closing the bathroom door.

"Asshole." I snicker before sitting down

"I uh...I saw Will coming from your house. He looked pretty upset. Is everything okay?" "Don't tell an-anyone...we broke u-up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He frowns setting the rest of Stanley's stuff down.

"Don't b-be...I kind of led him in that d-direction. I h-haven't been that happy recently." I sigh as Stanley opens the door.

"Can we get some real food? I'm hungry." He giggles. "I ordered you some already." Richie chuckles, hugging Stanley tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay." He smiles. Letting go. "You know me so well." Stan sits on the bed beside me, leaning his head onto my shoulder.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now