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"L-Listen...If you're s-still upset about e-earlier, I d-didn't say anything." I grasp his shoulder gently.

"Then please tell me who did." He sighs, I can see the tiredness in his eyes.

"I w-wish I knew." He nods before sitting down in a chair. "Stan don't worry. I'll help figure out who said it." Mike smiles gently. "Look up please." Beverly continues to do his makeup as I sit on a couch behind the three.

"Is there anyone you've pissed off recently?" "No Bev...I don't think so." He sighs looking at me from the mirror. "Me n-neither," I mumble leaving the room quickly.

"Bill. Hey man." Connor smiles. "H-Hey." "I've heard the drama and stuff. It sucks." "Y-yeah...we're trying to f-figure out who did it." He smirks gently.

"I can tell you like him." "W-who?" My stomach begins to twist into a perfect knot.

"Isn't it obvious? You like Stanley." " I don't." He smirks looking up and down the hallway.

"You know you'll never get him...he doesn't like people like you." In an instant, my forearm meets his neck.

"B-Bro calm down...let go." He begins to struggle, he grips my arm. "You told t-them didn't you?" "I didn't.....I didn't say anything." He struggles a bit more as I apply pressure.

"Didn't you?" My voice becomes louder. "Y-Yeah I did. Let me go man!" Stanley peeks his head from the room.

"Connor? Bill?" "T-Tell him." "I told...I told them the rumor...about you two." I let him go as he begins to breathe normally again.

"Fuck you." "Listen was a joke...come back." He follows the boy down the hallway.

"W-What the hell," I mumble.

—Stan's POV

"Connor leave me alone." "Please it was a joke..." "It wasn't fucking funny." He corners me.

"Well...maybe I could fix the problem." My eyes widen as his face begins to inch closer. "Fuck off." I push him away.

"And if you tell any other rumor or even what Bill did you, you're dead got it?" My voice coming out more aggressively than I tended it to be.

"Shit man...fine."  He gets up walking away quickly. "Asshole." I drag my fingers through my hair.

Maybe it's because he's been messing up my week.

Maybe it's because I have a large following.

Perhaps it's something deep inside me that made me upset that way...

I don't know.

Behind the Scenes // Stenbrough {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now